USGS OF 84-99
Geologic bibliography for selected onshore sedimentary basins of central and southern Alaska stressing basin analysis and including an index of publicly available well and surface data
DiBona, P.A., and Kirschner, C.E.
Publication Date:
U.S. Geological Survey
Ordering Info:
USGS Publications Warehouse
Anchorage; Baird Inlet; Beaver; Bethel; Big Delta; Black River; Charley River; Circle; Fairbanks; Fort Yukon; Gulkana; Holy Cross; Kantishna River; Kateel River; Kotzebue; Lime Hills; Marshall; McGrath; Medfra; Nabesna; Nulato; Ophir; Ruby; Russian Mission; Selawik; Shishmaref; Shungnak; Sleetmute; Talkeetna; Talkeetna Mountains; Tanacross; Tyonek; Valdez
Citation ID:
Bibliographic Reference
DiBona, P.A., and Kirschner, C.E., 1984, Geologic bibliography for selected onshore sedimentary basins of central and southern Alaska stressing basin analysis and including an index of publicly available well and surface data: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 84-99, 70 p.
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