Micropaleontology of 38 outcrop samples from the Chandler Lake, Demarcation Point, Mt. Michelson, Philip Smith Mountains, and Sagavanirktok quadrangles, northeast Alaska
Reifenstuhl, R.R., and Plumb, E.W.
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Alaska Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys
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Chandler Lake; Demarcation Point; Mount Michelson; Philip Smith Mountains; Sagavanirktok
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Bibliographic Reference
Reifenstuhl, R.R., and Plumb, E.W., 1993, Micropaleontology of 38 outcrop samples from the Chandler Lake, Demarcation Point, Mt. Michelson, Philip Smith Mountains, and Sagavanirktok quadrangles, northeast Alaska: Alaska Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys Public Data File 93-30B, 15 p., 4 sheets, scale 1:250,000. https://doi.org/10.14509/1565
Publication Products
Report Information
Maps & Other Oversized Sheets
- Sheet 1, Micropaleontology data, Chandler Lake Quadrangle, northern Brooks Range, Alaska, scale 1:250,000 (7.8 M)
- Sheet 2, Micropaleontology data, Mt. Michelson Quadrangle northern Brooks Range, Alaska, scale 1:250,000 (8.2 M)
- Sheet 3, Micropaleontology data, Philip Smith Mountains Quadrangle northern Brooks Range, Alaska, scale 1:250,000 (8.5 M)
- Sheet 4, Micropaleontology data, Sagavanirktok Quadrangle northern Brooks Range, Alaska, scale 1:250,000 (7.2 M)
Basins; Biostratigraphy; Clastics; Coal; Coquinoid Limestone; Depositional Environment; Echooka Formation; Energy Resources; Foraminifera; Fortress Mountain Formation; Fossils; Kemik Sandstone; Kingak Shale; Marine; Measured Stratigraphic Section; Metamorphism; Microfossils; Nanushuk Formation; Natural Gas; Okpikruak Formation; Paleobotany; Paleoenvironment; Paleontology; Palynology; Pebble Shale; Petroleum; Phosphatic Shale; Sample Location; Sandstone; Sedimentary; Sedimentation; Shale; Thermal Alteration Index; Topography; Torok Formation; Triassic; Tuktu Formation; Turbidites
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