Burbank, D.C., 1974
Suspended sediment transport and deposition in Alaskan coastal waters: with special emphasis on remote sensing by the ERTS-1 satellite
Burbank, D.C.
Publication Date:
University of Alaska Fairbanks
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Afognak; Anchorage; Baird Inlet; Barrow; Bering Glacier; Black; Blying Sound; Bristol Bay; Cape Mendenhall; Chignik; Cold Bay; Cordova; False Pass; Goodnews Bay; Hagemeister Island; Hooper Bay; Icy Bay; Iliamna; Kaguyak; Karluk; Kenai; Kodiak; Kotzebue; Kuskokwim Bay; Kwiguk; Meade River; Middleton Island; Mount Katmai; Naknek; Noatak; Nome; Norton Bay; Nunivak Island; Nushagak Bay; Point Hope; Point Lay; Port Moller; Pribilof Islands; Saint Lawrence; Saint Matthew; Saint Michael; Selawik; Seldovia; Seward; Shishmaref; Simeonof Island; Solomon; Stepovak Bay; Sutwik Island; Teller; Trinity Islands; Tyonek; Ugashik; Unalakleet; Unimak; Wainwright; Yakutat
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Bibliographic Reference
Burbank, D.C., 1974, Suspended sediment transport and deposition in Alaskan coastal waters: with special emphasis on remote sensing by the ERTS-1 satellite: University of Alaska Fairbanks, M.S. thesis, 222 p.
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