Lise-Pronovost, A., 2008
Magnetostratigraphie a haute resolution de sequences sedimentaires Holocenes de la marge continentale de la Mer de Chukchi, ocean Arctique (High-resolution magnetostratigraphy of Holocene sedimentary sequences of the Chukchi Sea continental margin, Arctic Ocean)
Lise-Pronovost, A.
Publication Date:
Universite du Quebec
Ordering Info:
Not available
Barrow; Barter Island; Beechey Point; Chandler Lake; Demarcation Point; Flaxman Island; Harrison Bay; Howard Pass; Ikpikpuk River; Killik River; Lookout Ridge; Meade River; Mount Michelson; Offshore; Philip Smith Mountains; Point Hope; Point Lay; Sagavanirktok; Teshekpuk; Umiat; Wainwright
Citation ID:
Bibliographic Reference
Lise-Pronovost, A., 2008, Magnetostratigraphie a haute resolution de sequences sedimentaires Holocenes de la marge continentale de la Mer de Chukchi, ocean Arctique (High-resolution magnetostratigraphy of Holocene sedimentary sequences of the Chukchi Sea continental margin, Arctic Ocean): Rimouski, Canada, Universite du Quebec, M.S. thesis.
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