Short notes on Alaskan geology - 1976
Alaska Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys
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Alaska Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys
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Afognak; Anchorage; Blying Sound; Cordova; False Pass; Healy; Iliamna; Karluk; Kenai; Kodiak; Lake Clark; Mount Hayes; Mount Katmai; Mount McKinley; Mount Saint Elias; Point Hope; Port Moller; Seldovia; Seward; Simeonof Island; Stepovak Bay; Sutwik Island; Talkeetna Mountains; Trinity Islands; Tyonek; Valdez; Yakutat
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Bibliographic Reference
Alaska Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys, 1976, Short notes on Alaskan geology - 1976: Alaska Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys Geologic Report 51, 35 p. https://doi.org/10.14509/379
Publication Products
Report Information
Chapter information:
GR 51A
Frost, B.R., 1976, Reconnaissance geology along the Variegated Glacier, Saint Elias Mountains, p. 1-4.
GR 51B
Gilbert, W.G., 1976, Evidence for early Cenozoic orogeny in central Alaska Range, p. 5-7.
GR 51C
Kienle, Juergen, and Turner, D.L., 1976, The Shumagin-Kodiak Batholith - A Paleocene magmatic arc?, p. 9-11.
GR 51D
Hackett, S.W., 1976, Speculative tectonic evolution of the Cenozoic Shelikof Trough, south-central Alaska, p. 13-17.
GR 51E
Carden, J.R., and Forbes, R.B., 1976, Discovery of Blueschists on Kodiak Island, p. 19-22.
GR 51F
Triplehorn, D.M., 1976, Large kaolinite crystals in the Chignik Formation (Upper Cretaceous), Herendeen Bay, p. 23-25.
GR 51G
Metz, P.A., 1976, Occurrences of sodic amphibole-bearing rocks in the Valdez C-2 quadrangle, p. 27-29.
GR 51H
Conwell, C.N., and Triplehorn, D.M., 1976, High-quality coal near Point Hope, northwestern Alaska, p. 31-35.
Age Dates; Blueschist; Border Ranges Fault; Cantwell Formation; Cenozoic; Chignik Formation; Coal; Crossite; Crystals; Geochemistry; Geology; Geophysics; Kaolinite; Major Oxides; Metamorphic Minerals; Mother Hubbard Fault; Orogeny; Paleocene; Petrology; Reconstructions; Shelikof Trough; Shumagin Formation; Shumagin-Kodiak Batholith; Structure; Tectonics; Variegated Glacier
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