State of Alaska Alaska / Natural Resources DNR / Geological & Geophysical Surveys DGGS / PublicationsPubs / Wiseman QuadrangleWiseman

Wiseman Quadrangle Publications

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GPR 2020-9 Report Geospatial Data
Burns, L.E., Graham, G.R.C., Barefoot, J.D., SIAL Geosciences, Inc., and On-line Exploration Services, Inc., 2020, Koyukuk electromagnetic and magnetic airborne geophysical survey data compilation: Alaska Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys Geophysical Report 2020-9, 12 p. https://doi.org/10.14509/30434
GMC 463 Report Map
Fehlmann, R.H., and Amoco Oil Co., 2019, Data compilation 1970 Amoco field party, western and central Brooks Range, Alaska: Alaska Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys Geologic Materials Center Data Report 463, 26 p., 48 sheets. https://doi.org/10.14509/30320
GMC 463A Report
Fehlmann, R.H., and Amoco Oil Co., 2019, Appendix A: 1970 section register, in Fehlmann, R.H., and Amoco Oil Co., Data compilation 1970 Amoco field party, western and central Brooks Range, Alaska: Alaska Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys Geologic Materials Center Data Report 463A, 4 p. https://doi.org/10.14509/30384
GMC 463B Report
Fehlmann, R.H., and Amoco Oil Co., 2019, Appendix B: 1970 sample register, in Fehlmann, R.H., and Amoco Oil Co., Data compilation 1970 Amoco field party, western and central Brooks Range, Alaska: Alaska Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys Geologic Materials Center Data Report 463B, 14 p. https://doi.org/10.14509/30385
GMC 463C Report
Fehlmann, R.H., and Amoco Oil Co., 2019, Appendix C: Paleontology data, in Fehlmann, R.H., and Amoco Oil Co., Data compilation 1970 Amoco field party, western and central Brooks Range, Alaska: Alaska Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys Geologic Materials Center Data Report 463C, 192 p. https://doi.org/10.14509/30386
GMC 463D Report
Fehlmann, R.H., and Amoco Oil Co., 2019, Appendix D: Palynology data, in Fehlmann, R.H., and Amoco Oil Co., Data compilation 1970 Amoco field party, western and central Brooks Range, Alaska: Alaska Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys Geologic Materials Center Data Report 463D, 7 p. https://doi.org/10.14509/30387
GMC 463E Report
Fehlmann, R.H., and Amoco Oil Co., 2019, Appendix E: 1970 field notes, in Fehlmann, R.H., and Amoco Oil Co., Data compilation 1970 Amoco field party, western and central Brooks Range, Alaska: Alaska Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys Geologic Materials Center Data Report 463E, 195 p. https://doi.org/10.14509/30388
GMC 463F Report
Fehlmann, R.H., and Amoco Oil Co., 2019, Appendix F: Geochronology data, in Fehlmann, R.H., and Amoco Oil Co., Data compilation 1970 Amoco field party, western and central Brooks Range, Alaska: Alaska Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys Geologic Materials Center Data Report 463F, 25 p. https://doi.org/10.14509/30389
GMC 463G Report
Fehlmann, R.H., and Amoco Oil Co., 2019, Appendix G: Source rock data, in Fehlmann, R.H., and Amoco Oil Co., Data compilation 1970 Amoco field party, western and central Brooks Range, Alaska: Alaska Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys Geologic Materials Center Data Report 463G, 42 p. https://doi.org/10.14509/30390
GMC 463H Report
Fehlmann, R.H., and Amoco Oil Co., 2019, Appendix H: Oil seeps and shows data, in Fehlmann, R.H., and Amoco Oil Co., Data compilation 1970 Amoco field party, western and central Brooks Range, Alaska: Alaska Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys Geologic Materials Center Data Report 463H, 2 p. https://doi.org/10.14509/30391
GMC 464 Report Map
Furer, L.C., Fehlmann, R.H., Taylor, A.M., Self, G.W., and Amoco Oil Co., 2019, Data compilation of the 1971 field party, southeast Brooks Range and Fort Yukon, Alaska; Vol 1: Alaska Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys Geologic Materials Center Data Report 464, 19 p., 40 sheets. https://doi.org/10.14509/30309
GMC 464A
Furer, L.C., and Amoco Oil Co., 2019, Appendix A: Measured sections, in Furer, L.C., Fehlmann, R.H., Taylor, A.M., Self, G.W., and Amoco Oil Co., Data compilation of the 1971 field party, southeast Brooks Range and Fort Yukon, Alaska; Vol 1: Alaska Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys Geologic Materials Center Data Report 464A. https://doi.org/10.14509/30393
GMC 464B
Furer, L.C., and Amoco Oil Co., 2019, Appendix B: Paleontology data, in Furer, L.C., Fehlmann, R.H., Taylor, A.M., Self, G.W., and Amoco Oil Co., Data compilation of the 1971 field party, southeast Brooks Range and Fort Yukon, Alaska; Vol 1: Alaska Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys Geologic Materials Center Data Report 464B. https://doi.org/10.14509/30394
GMC 464C Report
Furer, L.C., and Amoco Oil Co., 2019, Appendix C: Palynology data, in Furer, L.C., Fehlmann, R.H., Taylor, A.M., Self, G.W., and Amoco Oil Co., Data compilation of the 1971 field party, southeast Brooks Range and Fort Yukon, Alaska; Vol 1: Alaska Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys Geologic Materials Center Data Report 464C, 14 p. https://doi.org/10.14509/30395
GMC 464D
Furer, L.C., and Amoco Oil Co., 2019, Appendix D: Source rock data, in Furer, L.C., Fehlmann, R.H., Taylor, A.M., Self, G.W., and Amoco Oil Co., Data compilation of the 1971 field party, southeast Brooks Range and Fort Yukon, Alaska; Vol 1: Alaska Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys Geologic Materials Center Data Report 464D. https://doi.org/10.14509/30396
GMC 464E Report
Furer, L.C., and Amoco Oil Co., 2019, Appendix E: Geochronology data, in Furer, L.C., Fehlmann, R.H., Taylor, A.M., Self, G.W., and Amoco Oil Co., Data compilation of the 1971 field party, southeast Brooks Range and Fort Yukon, Alaska; Vol 1: Alaska Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys Geologic Materials Center Data Report 464E, 9 p. https://doi.org/10.14509/30397
GMC 464F Report
Furer, L.C., and Amoco Oil Co., 2019, Appendix F: X-ray data, in Furer, L.C., Fehlmann, R.H., Taylor, A.M., Self, G.W., and Amoco Oil Co., Data compilation of the 1971 field party, southeast Brooks Range and Fort Yukon, Alaska; Vol 1: Alaska Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys Geologic Materials Center Data Report 464F, 11 p. https://doi.org/10.14509/30398
GMC 464G Report
Furer, L.C., and Amoco Oil Co., 2019, Appendix G: Sample lists, in Furer, L.C., Fehlmann, R.H., Taylor, A.M., Self, G.W., and Amoco Oil Co., Data compilation of the 1971 field party, southeast Brooks Range and Fort Yukon, Alaska; Vol 1: Alaska Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys Geologic Materials Center Data Report 464G, 51 p. https://doi.org/10.14509/30399
GMC 464H Report
Furer, L.C., and Amoco Oil Co., 2019, Appendix H: Field notes, in Furer, L.C., Fehlmann, R.H., Taylor, A.M., Self, G.W., and Amoco Oil Co., Data compilation of the 1971 field party, southeast Brooks Range and Fort Yukon, Alaska; Vol 1: Alaska Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys Geologic Materials Center Data Report 464H, 145 p. https://doi.org/10.14509/30400
GMC 464I Report
Furer, L.C., and Amoco Oil Co., 2019, Appendix I: Photographs, in Furer, L.C., Fehlmann, R.H., Taylor, A.M., Self, G.W., and Amoco Oil Co., Data compilation of the 1971 field party, southeast Brooks Range and Fort Yukon, Alaska; Vol 1: Alaska Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys Geologic Materials Center Data Report 464I, 37 p. https://doi.org/10.14509/30401
GMC 464J Report
Furer, L.C., and Amoco Oil Co., 2019, Appendix J: Porosity and permeability data, in Furer, L.C., Fehlmann, R.H., Taylor, A.M., Self, G.W., and Amoco Oil Co., Data compilation of the 1971 field party, southeast Brooks Range and Fort Yukon, Alaska; Vol 1: Alaska Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys Geologic Materials Center Data Report 464J, 3 p. https://doi.org/10.14509/30402
GMC 465 Report Map
Furer, L.C., and Amoco Oil Co., 2019, Data compilation of the 1972 field party, southeast Brooks Range and Fort Yukon, Alaska; Vol 2: Alaska Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys Geologic Materials Center Data Report 465, 10 p., 33 sheets, scale 1:250,000. https://doi.org/10.14509/30310
GMC 465A Report
Furer, L.C., and Amoco Oil Co., 2019, Appendix A: Measured sections with paleontology data, in Furer, L.C., and Amoco Oil Co., Data compilation of the 1972 field party, southeast Brooks Range and Fort Yukon, Alaska; Vol 2: Alaska Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys Geologic Materials Center Data Report 465A, 25 p. https://doi.org/10.14509/30403
GMC 465B Report
Furer, L.C., and Amoco Oil Co., 2019, Appendix B: Paleontology - megafossils, conodonts, and forams, in Furer, L.C., and Amoco Oil Co., Data compilation of the 1972 field party, southeast Brooks Range and Fort Yukon, Alaska; Vol 2: Alaska Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys Geologic Materials Center Data Report 465B, 116 p. https://doi.org/10.14509/30404
GMC 465C Report
Furer, L.C., and Amoco Oil Co., 2019, Appendix C: Palynology data, in Furer, L.C., and Amoco Oil Co., Data compilation of the 1972 field party, southeast Brooks Range and Fort Yukon, Alaska; Vol 2: Alaska Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys Geologic Materials Center Data Report 465C, 6 p. https://doi.org/10.14509/30405
GMC 465D Report
Furer, L.C., and Amoco Oil Co., 2019, Appendix D: Source rock analysis, in Furer, L.C., and Amoco Oil Co., Data compilation of the 1972 field party, southeast Brooks Range and Fort Yukon, Alaska; Vol 2: Alaska Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys Geologic Materials Center Data Report 465D, 35 p. https://doi.org/10.14509/30406
GMC 465E Report
Furer, L.C., and Amoco Oil Co., 2019, Appendix E: Radiometric dates, in Furer, L.C., and Amoco Oil Co., Data compilation of the 1972 field party, southeast Brooks Range and Fort Yukon, Alaska; Vol 2: Alaska Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys Geologic Materials Center Data Report 465E, 25 p. https://doi.org/10.14509/30407
GMC 465F Report
Furer, L.C., and Amoco Oil Co., 2019, Appendix F: Photographs, in Furer, L.C., and Amoco Oil Co., Data compilation of the 1972 field party, southeast Brooks Range and Fort Yukon, Alaska; Vol 2: Alaska Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys Geologic Materials Center Data Report 465F, 18 p. https://doi.org/10.14509/30408
GMC 465G Report
Furer, L.C., and Amoco Oil Co., 2019, Appendix G: Sample index, in Furer, L.C., and Amoco Oil Co., Data compilation of the 1972 field party, southeast Brooks Range and Fort Yukon, Alaska; Vol 2: Alaska Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys Geologic Materials Center Data Report 465G, 22 p. https://doi.org/10.14509/30409
GMC 465H Report
Furer, L.C., and Amoco Oil Co., 2019, Appendix H: Field notes, in Furer, L.C., and Amoco Oil Co., Data compilation of the 1972 field party, southeast Brooks Range and Fort Yukon, Alaska; Vol 2: Alaska Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys Geologic Materials Center Data Report 465H, 239 p. https://doi.org/10.14509/30410
RI 2019-8 Report Map
Koehler, R.D., Reger, D.R., Spangler, E.R., and Hubbard, T.D., 2019, Assessment of geomorphology and geologic hazards in the Parks Highway-Minto Flats-Dalton Highway infrastructure corridor: Cook Inlet to Prudhoe Bay, Alaska: Alaska Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys Report of Investigation 2019-8, 82 p., 4 sheets. https://doi.org/10.14509/30100
MP 165 Report Geospatial Data
Worden, A.K., Schaefer, J.R., and Mulliken, K.M., 2018, Tephra occurrence in Alaska: a map-based compilation of stratigraphic tephra data: Alaska Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys Miscellaneous Publication 165, 19 p. https://doi.org/10.14509/30059
MP 164 Report Geospatial Data
Mulliken, K.M., Schaefer, J.R., and Cameron, C.E., 2018, Geospatial distribution of tephra fall in Alaska: a geodatabase compilation of published tephra fall occurrences from the Pleistocene to the present: Alaska Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys Miscellaneous Publication 164, 46 p. https://doi.org/10.14509/29847
OF 2015-1021 Report Map Outside Link
Jones, J.V., III, Karl, S.M., Labay, K.A., Shew, N.B., Granitto, M., Hayes, T.S., Mauk, J.L., Schmidt, J.M., Todd, E., Wang, B., Werdon, M.B., and Yager, D.B., 2015, GIS-based identification of areas with mineral resource potential for six selected deposit groups, Bureau of Land Management Central Yukon Planning area, Alaska: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 2015-1021, 78 p., 12 sheets.
Daanen, R.P. and others, 2013 Map
Daanen, R.P., Darrow, M.M., and Hubbard, T.D., 2013, Frozen debris lobe stability, a function of thermal and hydrological processes (poster): American Geophysical Union, Fall Meeting, San Francisco, California, December 13, 2013: Alaska Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys, 1 sheet. https://doi.org/10.14509/26886
Spangler, E.R. and others, 2013 Map
Spangler, E.R., Hubbard, T.D., Daanen, R.P., Darrow, M.M., Simpson, J.M., and Southerland, L.E., 2013, Geologic and geomorphic characterization of frozen debris lobe catchments along the Dalton Highway, southern Brooks Range, Alaska (poster): Geological Society of America Annual Meeting, Denver, Colorado, October 27, 2013, Abstracts with Programs (49-16), v. 45, no. 7, p. 152: Alaska Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys, 1 sheet. https://doi.org/10.14509/27007
SR 66L Report
LePain, D.L., and Wartes, M.A., 2012, Summary of fossil fuel and geothermal resource potential in the Yukon-Koyukuk/Upper Tanana energy region, in Swenson, R.F., Wartes, M.A., LePain, D.L., and Clough, J.G., Fossil fuel and geothermal energy sources for local use in Alaska: Summary of available information: Alaska Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys Special Report 66L, p. 123-136. https://doi.org/10.14509/24435
RDF 2011-3 Report Geospatial Data
Hubbard, T.D., Koehler, R.D., and Combellick, R.A., 2011, High-resolution lidar data for Alaska infrastructure corridors: Alaska Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys Raw Data File 2011-3, 291 p. https://doi.org/10.14509/22722
RDF 2011-3J Geospatial Data
Hubbard, T.D., Braun, M.L., Westbrook, R.E., and Gallagher, P.E., 2011, High-resolution lidar data for infrastructure corridors, Wiseman Quadrangle, Alaska, in Hubbard, T.D., Koehler, R.D., and Combellick, R.A., High-resolution lidar data for Alaska infrastructure corridors: Alaska Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys Raw Data File 2011-3J. https://doi.org/10.14509/23007
SIM 3125 Report Map Outside Link
Hamilton, T.D., and Labay, K.A., 2011, Surficial geologic map of the Gates of the Arctic National Park and Preserve, Alaska: U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Map 3125, 19 p., 1 sheet, scale 1:300,000.
SIM 2909 Map Outside Link
Patton, W.W., Jr., Wilson, F.H., Labay, K.A., and Shew, Nora, 2009, Geologic map of the Yukon-Koyukuk basin, Alaska: U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Map 2909, 2 sheets, scale 1:500,000.
OF 2008-1149 Outside Link
Till, A.B., Dumoulin, J.A., Harris, A.G., Moore, T.E., and Bleick, Heather, Siwiec, Benjamin, 2008, Preliminary integrated geologic map databases for the United States: digital data for the geology of the southern Brooks Range, Alaska: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 2008-1149.
OF 2007-1043 Report Outside Link
Wesson, R.L., Boyd, O.S., Mueller, C.S., Bufe, C.G., Frankel, A.D., and Petersen, M.D., 2007, Revision of time-independent probabilistic seismic hazard maps for Alaska: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 2007-1043, 33 p.
OF 2007-1208 Map Outside Link
Saltus, R.W., Phillips, J.D., Stanley, R.G., Till, A., and Morin, R.L., 2007, Geophysical characterization of pre-Cenozoic basement for hydrocarbon assessment, Yukon Flats, Alaska: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 2007-1208, 1 sheet.
OF 2007-1286 Report Map Outside Link
Schmidt, J.M., Gamble, B.M., and Labay, K.A., 2007, Geoscience for Alaska's D-1 lands: A preliminary report: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 2007-1286, 20 p., 1 sheet.
OF 1997-492 v. 1.40 Outside Link
Smith, S.M., 2006, National geochemical database - Reformatted data from the National Uranium Resource Evaluation (NURE) Hydrogeochemical and Stream Sediment Reconnaissance (HSSR) Program: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 1997-492 v. 1.40.
OF 2006-1304 Outside Link
Till, A.B., Dumoulin, J.A., Phillips, J.D., Stanley, R.G., and Crews, Jesse, 2006, Preliminary integrated geologic map databases for the United States: digital data for the generalized bedrock geologic map, Yukon Flats region, east-central Alaska: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 2006-1304.
OF 2005-1341 Outside Link
Wilson, F.H., Labay, K.A., Shew, Nora, Mohadjer, Solmaz, and Patton, W.W., Jr., 2005, Preliminary integrated geologic map databases for the United States: digital data for the reconnaissance geologic map of the Yukon-Koyukuk basin, Alaska: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 2005-1341.
Kaba, C.M., 2004
Kaba, C.M., 2004, Reconstructing long term sediment flux from the Brooks Range, Alaska, using shelf edge clinoforms: Cambridge, Massachusetts, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, M.S. thesis, 40 p., illust., maps.
Munly, W.C., 2004
Munly, W.C., 2004, An investigation into 40Ar/39Ar radiogenic dating and x-ray analysis of shales and clays from northern Alaska: University of Alaska Fairbanks, Ph.D. dissertation, 317 p., illust., maps.
MP 122 Map
Cruse, G.R., Stevens, D.S.P., Reger, R.D., and Smith, R.L., 2003, Survey of geology, geologic materials, and geologic hazards in proposed access corridors in the Wiseman Quadrangle, Alaska: Alaska Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys Miscellaneous Publication 122, 5 sheets, scale 1:250,000. https://doi.org/10.14509/2966
MP 129 Report Geospatial Data
Reger, R.D., Stevens, D.S.P., Cruse, G.R., and Livingston, H.R., 2003, Survey of geology, geologic materials, and geologic hazards in proposed access corridors in selected quadrangles, Alaska: Alaska Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys Miscellaneous Publication 129, 72 p. https://doi.org/10.14509/2946
OF 2003-427 Report Outside Link
Schuster, P.F., ed., 2003, Water and sediment quality in the Yukon River basin, Alaska, during water year 2001: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 2003-427, 120 p.
OF 2003-447 Report Outside Link
Britton, Joe, 2003, Alaska Resource Data File; Wiseman Quadrangle, Alaska: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 2003-447, 332 p.
MP 125 Disk
Cameron, C.E., Thoms, E.E., and Gallo, C.A., 2002, Engineering-geologic database of the proposed Alaska Natural Gas Transportation System (ANGTS) corridor from Prudhoe Bay to Delta Junction, Alaska: Alaska Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys Miscellaneous Publication 125, 2 DVDs. https://doi.org/10.14509/2862
MP 124 Disk
Cameron, C.E., Thoms, E.E., and Gallo, C.A., 2002, Preliminary engineering-geologic database of the proposed Alaska Natural Gas Transportation System (ANGTS) corridor from Prudhoe Bay to Livengood, Alaska: Alaska Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys Miscellaneous Publication 124, 1 DVD. https://doi.org/10.14509/2861
Casavant, R.R., 2001
Casavant, R.R., 2001, Morphotectonic investigation of the Arctic Alaska terrane: Implications to basement architecture, basin evolution, neotectonics, and natural resource management: Tuscon, Arizona, University of Arizona, Ph.D. dissertation, 457 p.
Ratchkovski, N.A., 2001
Ratchkovski, N.A., 2001, Seismological constraints on tectonics of southern and central Alaska: earthquakes locations and source mechanisms: University of Alaska Fairbanks, Ph.D. dissertation, 149 p., illust.
Williams, J.D., 2000
Williams, J.D., 2000, Reconstructing northern Alaska: Crustal-scale evolution of the central Brooks Range: Corvallis, Oregon, Oregon State University, M.S. thesis, 92 p., illust.
MP 39 Report
Pinney, D.S., and Combellick, R.A., 2000, Geologic hazards in and near proposed State of Alaska oil and gas sale, North Slope Foothills: Alaska Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys Miscellaneous Publication 39, 7 p. https://doi.org/10.14509/2663
Anderson, Lesleigh, 1999
Anderson, Lesleigh, 1999, Holocene paleoclimatology of northern Alaska from oxygen isotope geochemistry of sediment cellulose and authigenic carbonate in lake sediments: University of Massachusetts, Amherst, M.S. thesis, 139 p., illust., maps.
RI 98-10 Map
DGGS Staff, On-line Exploration Services, Inc., SIAL Geosciences, Inc., and U.S. Bureau of Land Management, 1998, 4200 Hz coplanar resistivity contours for the northeastern portion of the Koyukuk mining district, eastern Brooks Range, Alaska: Alaska Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys Report of Investigation 98-10, 2 sheets, scale 1:63,360. https://doi.org/10.14509/2586
PDF 98-23 Disk
DGGS Staff, On-line Exploration Services, Inc., SIAL Geosciences, Inc., and U.S. Bureau of Land Management, 1998, CD-ROM containing gridded files and section lines of 1997 geophysical survey data for the northeastern portion of the Koyukuk mining district, eastern Brooks Range, Alaska: Alaska Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys Public Data File 98-23, 1 DVD. https://doi.org/10.14509/1849
RI 98-8 Map
DGGS Staff, On-line Exploration Services, Inc., SIAL Geosciences, Inc., and U.S. Bureau of Land Management, 1998, Total field magnetics for the northeastern portion of the Koyukuk mining district, eastern Brooks Range, Alaska: Alaska Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys Report of Investigation 98-8, 2 sheets, scale 1:63,360. https://doi.org/10.14509/2584
Cole, Frances, 1998
Cole, Frances, 1998, An integrated model for the tectonic development of the north-central Brooks Range and Colville basin, northern Alaska: Palo Alto, California, Stanford University, M.S. thesis, 43 p.
Mills, R.O., 1998
Mills, R.O., 1998, Historical archaeology of Alaskan placer gold mining settlements: University of Alaska Fairbanks, Ph.D. dissertation, 539 p., illust., maps.
PDF 98-19 Map
DGGS Staff, On-line Exploration Services, Inc., SIAL Geosciences, Inc., and U.S. Bureau of Land Management, 1998, Flight line path of the 1997 geophysical survey for the northeastern portion of the Koyukuk mining district, eastern Brooks Range, Alaska: Alaska Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys Public Data File 98-19, 2 sheets, scale 1:63,360. https://doi.org/10.14509/1845
PDF 98-20 Map
DGGS Staff, On-line Exploration Services, Inc., SIAL Geosciences, Inc., and U.S. Bureau of Land Management, 1998, Total field magnetics and electromagnetic anomalies for the northeastern portion of the Koyukuk mining district, eastern Brooks Range, Alaska (clear diazo film version): Alaska Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys Public Data File 98-20, 2 sheets, scale 1:63,360. https://doi.org/10.14509/1846
PDF 98-21 Map
DGGS Staff, On-line Exploration Services, Inc., SIAL Geosciences, Inc., and U.S. Bureau of Land Management, 1998, 900 Hz coplanar resistivity contours for the northeastern portion of the Koyukuk mining district, eastern Brooks Range, Alaska: Alaska Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys Public Data File 98-21, 2 sheets, scale 1:63,360. https://doi.org/10.14509/1847
PDF 98-22 Map
DGGS Staff, On-line Exploration Services, Inc., SIAL Geosciences, Inc., and U.S. Bureau of Land Management, 1998, 4200 Hz coplanar resistivity contours for the northeastern portion of the Koyukuk mining district, eastern Brooks Range, Alaska: Alaska Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys Public Data File 98-22, 2 sheets, scale 1:63,360. https://doi.org/10.14509/1848
PDF 98-25 Report Map
SIAL Geosciences, Inc., and On-line Exploration Services, Inc., 1998, Project report of the airborne geophysical survey for the northeastern portion of the Koyukuk mining district, eastern Brooks Range, Alaska: Alaska Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys Public Data File 98-25, 144 p., 2 sheets, scale 1:63,360. https://doi.org/10.14509/1851
PDF 98-26 Report
Burns, L.E., and Liss, S.A., 1998, Portfolio of aeromagnetic and resistivity maps of the northeastern portion of the Koyukuk mining district: Alaska Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys Public Data File 98-26, 21 p. https://doi.org/10.14509/1852
PDF 98-40A Map
DGGS Staff, On-line Exploration Services, Inc., SIAL Geosciences, Inc., and U.S. Bureau of Land Management, 1998, Total field magnetics and detailed electromagnetic anomalies of the northeastern portion of the Koyukuk mining district, eastern Brooks Range, Alaska (parts of the Wiseman A-1, A-2, and B-1 quadrangles): Alaska Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys Public Data File 98-40A, 1 sheet, scale 1:31,680. https://doi.org/10.14509/1870
PDF 98-40B Map
DGGS Staff, On-line Exploration Services, Inc., SIAL Geosciences, Inc., and U.S. Bureau of Land Management, 1998, Total field magnetics and electromagnetic anomalies of the northeastern portion of the Koyukuk mining district, eastern Brooks Range, Alaska (parts of the Wiseman B-1 and C-1 quadrangles): Alaska Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys Public Data File 98-40B, 1 sheet, scale 1:31,680. https://doi.org/10.14509/1871
PDF 98-40C Map
DGGS Staff, On-line Exploration Services, Inc., SIAL Geosciences, Inc., and U.S. Bureau of Land Management, 1998, Total field magnetics and detailed electromagnetic anomalies of the northeastern portion of the Koyukuk mining district, eastern Brooks Range, Alaska (parts of the Wiseman A-1, B-1, and Chandalar A-6 and B-6 quadrangles): Alaska Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys Public Data File 98-40C, 1 sheet, scale 1:31,680. https://doi.org/10.14509/1872
RI 98-7 Map
DGGS Staff, On-line Exploration Services, Inc., SIAL Geosciences, Inc., and U.S. Bureau of Land Management, 1998, Total field magnetics and electromagnetic anomalies of the northeastern portion of the Koyukuk mining district, eastern Brooks Range, Alaska: Alaska Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys Report of Investigation 98-7, 2 sheets, scale 1:63,360. https://doi.org/10.14509/2583
PR 118B Report
Baesemann, J.F., Brenckle, P.L., and Gruzlovic, P.D., 1998, Composite standard correlation of the Mississippian-Pennsylvanian (Carboniferous) Lisburne Group from Prudhoe Bay to the eastern Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, North Slope Alaska, in Clough, J.G., and Larson, Frank, eds., Short notes on Alaska geology 1997: Alaska Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys Professional Report 118B, p. 23-36. https://doi.org/10.14509/2329
RI 98-9 Map
DGGS Staff, On-line Exploration Services, Inc., SIAL Geosciences, Inc., and U.S. Bureau of Land Management, 1998, 900 Hz coplanar resistivity contours for the northeastern portion of the Koyukuk mining district, eastern Brooks Range, Alaska: Alaska Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys Report of Investigation 98-9, 2 sheets, scale 1:63,360. https://doi.org/10.14509/2585
PDF 98-24 Disk
DGGS Staff, On-line Exploration Services, Inc., SIAL Geosciences, Inc., and U.S. Bureau of Land Management, 1998, CD-ROM digital archive files of 1997 survey data for the northeastern portion of the Koyukuk mining district, eastern Brooks Range, Alaska: Alaska Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys Public Data File 98-24, 1 DVD. https://doi.org/10.14509/1850
P 1574 Report
Moore, T.E., Hemming, S.R., and Sharp, W.D., 1997, Provenance of the Carboniferous Nuka Formation, Brooks Range, Alaska; a multicomponent isotope provenance study with implications for age of cryptic crystalline basement, in Dumoulin, J.A., and Gray, J.E., eds., Geologic studies in Alaska by the U.S. Geological Survey, 1995: U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper 1574, p. 173-194.
Searcy, C.K., 1996
Searcy, C.K., 1996, Crustal and upper mantle velocity structure in Alaska: University of Alaska Fairbanks, Ph.D. dissertation, 145 p., illust.
Wissinger, E.S., 1996
Wissinger, E.S., 1996, Seismic profiling constraints on the evolution of the Brooks Range, arctic Alaska, from an integrated reflection/refraction survey: Houston, Texas, Rice University, Ph.D. dissertation, 281 p.
PDF 95-20 Report Disk
Newberry, R.J., 1995, An update on skarn deposits of Alaska: Alaska Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys Public Data File 95-20, 72 p., 1 DVD. https://doi.org/10.14509/1699
PDF 95-32 Report
Mull, C.G., 1995, The geological distribution of chert in the Brooks Range: Alaska Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys Public Data File 95-32, 13 p. https://doi.org/10.14509/1711
Moore, T.E. and others, 1994, p. 49-138 Report
Moore, T.E., Wallace, W.K., Bird, K.J., Karl, S.M., Mull, C.G., and Dillon, J.T., 1994, Geology of northern Alaska, in Plafker, George, and Berg, H.C., eds., The Geology of Alaska: Geological Society of America, p. 49-138.
Patton, W.W., Jr. and others, 1994, p. 241-269 Report
Patton, W.W., Jr., Box, S.E., Moll-Stalcup, E.J., and Miller, T.P., 1994, Geology of west-central Alaska, in Plafker, George, and Berg, H.C., eds., The Geology of Alaska: Geological Society of America, p. 241-269.
P 1545 Report
Dumoulin, J.A., and Harris, A.G., 1994, Depositional framework and regional correlation of pre-Carboniferous metacarbonate rocks of the Snowden Mountain area, central Brooks Range, northern Alaska: U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper 1545, 66 p.
PDF 94-45 Report Map
Adams, K.E., 1994, Columnar sections and lithostratigraphic correlation of the Permian Siksikpuk and Echooka Formation, northcentral Brooks Range, Alaska: Alaska Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys Public Data File 94-45, 5 p., 11 sheets. https://doi.org/10.14509/1670
B 2034-A Report
Bird, K.J., 1993, Southern Foothills-Brooks Range province (060), in Powers, R.B., ed., Petroleum exploration plays and resource estimates, 1989, onshore United States; Region 1, Alaska; Region 2, Pacific Coast: U.S. Geological Survey Bulletin 2034-A, p. A32-A37.
B 2068 Report
Aleinikoff, J.N., Moore, T.E., Walter, Marianne, and Nokleberg, W.J., 1993, U-Pb ages of zircon, monazite, and sphene from Devonian metagranites and metafelsites, central Brooks Range, Alaska, in Dusel-Bacon, Cynthia, and Till, A.B., eds., Geologic studies in Alaska by the U.S. Geological Survey,1992: U.S. Geological Survey Bulletin 2068, p. 59-70.
B 2068 Report
Karl, S.M., and Mull, C.G., 1993, Appeal for nonproliferation of escalating terrane nomenclature, in Dusel-Bacon, Cynthia, and Till, A.B., eds., Geologic studies in Alaska by the U.S. Geological Survey,1992: U.S. Geological Survey Bulletin 2068, p. 71-78.
OF 93-265 Report
Murphy, J.M., Fuis, G.S., Levander, A.R., Lutter, W.J., Criley, E.E., Henrys, S.A., Asudeh, Isa, and Fowler, J.C., 1993, Data report for the 1990 seismic reflection/refraction experiment in the Brooks Range, Arctic Alaska: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 93-265, 128 p.
OF 93-545 Report
O'Sullivan, P.B., Murphy, J.M., Moore, T.E., and Howell, D.G., 1993, Results of 110 apatite fission track analyses from the Brooks Range and North Slope of northern Alaska, completed in cooperation with the Trans-Alaska Crustal Transect (TACT): U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 93-545, 104 p.
Biswas, Kousick, 1993
Biswas, Kousick, 1993, Development of an axisymmetric phase change finite element model for evaluation of roof support systems in arctic placer mines: University of Alaska Fairbanks, M.S. thesis, 170 p.
OFR 100-93 Report
Fechner, S.A., Burleigh, R.E., Foley, J.Y., and Lear, K.G., 1993, Results of the 1991-92 U.S. Bureau of Mines site specific Mineral investigations project in Alaska: U.S. Bureau of Mines Open-File Report 100-93, 127 p.
PDF 93-30A Report Map
Clautice, K.H., Burns, L.E., and Liss, S.A., 1993, Land selection units 30 and 31 (Bettles, Beaver, Wiseman, and Chandalar quadrangles) references, geochemical and major oxide data: Alaska Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys Public Data File 93-30A, 21 p., 1 sheet, scale 1:250,000. https://doi.org/10.14509/1564
PDF 93-39CC Report
Liss, S.A., and Wiltse, M.A., 1993, United States Geological Survey Alaska Mineral Resource Appraisal Program (AMRAP) geochemical data for Wiseman Quadrangle, Alaska: Alaska Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys Public Data File 93-39CC, 6 p. https://doi.org/10.14509/1577
PDF 93-76 Map
Combellick, R.A., Campbell, K.M., and Cruse, G.R., 1993, Derivative geologic materials map of portions of the Wiseman Quadrangle, Alaska: Alaska Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys Public Data File 93-76, 1 sheet, scale 1:250,000. https://doi.org/10.14509/1615
B 1999 Report
Cathrall, J.B., and Antweiler, J.C., 1992, Occurrence of platinum-group elements in some gold-mining districts of Alaska, in Bradley, D.C., and Ford, A.B., eds., Geologic studies in Alaska by the U.S. Geological Survey, 1990: U.S. Geological Survey Bulletin 1999, p. 33-43.
B 1999 Report
Karl, S.M., 1992, Arc and extensional basin geochemical and tectonic affinities for Maiyumerak basalts in the western Brooks Range, in Bradley, D.C., and Ford, A.B., eds., Geologic studies in Alaska by the U.S. Geological Survey, 1990: U.S. Geological Survey Bulletin 1999, p. 141-155.
B 2041 Report
Moore, T.E., 1992, The Arctic Alaska superterrane, in Bradley, D.C., and Dusel-Bacon, Cynthia, eds., Geologic studies in Alaska by the U.S. Geological Survey, 1991: U.S. Geological Survey Bulletin 2041, p. 238-244.
OF 92-330 Report Map
Moore, T.E., Wallace, W.K., Bird, K.J., Karl, S.M., Mull, C.G., and Dillon, J.T., 1992, Stratigraphy, structure, and geologic synthesis of northern Alaska: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 92-330, 183 p., 1 sheet, scale 1:250,000.
Blythe, A.E., 1992
Blythe, A.E., 1992, Central and western Brooks Range, Alaska, tectonic evolution: Fission-track and 40Ar/39Ar thermochronometry: Ithaca, New York, Cornell University, Ph.D. dissertation, 234 p., illust., maps.
Seidensticker, C.M., 1992
Seidensticker, C.M., 1992, Structural development and kinematic history of ramp-footwall collapse in the Doonerak multiduplex, central Brooks Range, arctic Alaska: Houston, Texas, Rice University, Ph.D. dissertation, 104 p.
RI 92-4 Report
Young, L.E., 1992, The Wolverine Creek Sequence: Evidence for an allochthon below the Brooks Range Allochthon, western Brooks Range, Alaska: Alaska Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys Report of Investigation 92-4, 19 p. https://doi.org/10.14509/2483
GP 992 Map
Cady, J.W., 1991, Aeromagnetic map of Alaska from lat 65 degrees -68 degrees N, long 141 degrees -162 degrees W; color-shaded relief: U.S. Geological Survey Geophysical Investigations Map 992, 2 sheets, scale 1:500,000.
Adams, K.E., 1991
Adams, K.E., 1991, Permian sedimentation in the north-central Brooks Range, Alaska: Implications for tectonic reconstructions: University of Alaska Fairbanks, M.S. thesis, 122 p., illust., 1 map.
Wirth, K.R., 1991
Wirth, K.R., 1991, Processes of lithosphere evolution: Geochemistry and tectonics of mafic rocks in the Brooks Range and Yukon-Tanana region, Alaska: Ithaca, New York, Cornell University, Ph.D. dissertation, 367 p., illust., maps.
PDF 91-29 Report
O'Sullivan, P.B., and Murphy, J.M., 1991, Preliminary results of 17 apatite fission track analyses of samples from along the Dalton Highway, Brooks Range, Alaska: Alaska Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys Public Data File 91-29, 30 p. https://doi.org/10.14509/1522
PDF 92-2 Report
Wood, J.E., 1991, Preliminary results of heavy minerals concentrate analysis from selected interior and western Alaska placer mines: Alaska Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys Public Data File 92-2, 8 p. https://doi.org/10.14509/1527
PR 101 Map
Dillon, J.T., and Reifenstuhl, R.R., 1990, Geologic map of the Wiseman B-1 Quadrangle, southcentral Brooks Range, Alaska: Alaska Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys Professional Report 101, 1 sheet, scale 1:63,360. https://doi.org/10.14509/2282
GB 7 vol. 2 Report Map
Mull, C.G., and Adams, K.E., eds., 1989, Bedrock geology of the eastern Koyukuk basin, central Brooks Range, and east-central Arctic Slope along the Dalton Highway, Yukon River to Prudhoe Bay, Alaska, Volume 2: Alaska Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys Guidebook 7 vol. 2, 167 p., 1 sheet, scale 1:2,851,200. https://doi.org/10.14509/2875
GB 7 vol. 1 Report Map
Mull, C.G., and Adams, K.E., eds., 1989, Bedrock geology of the eastern Koyukuk basin, central Brooks Range, and east-central Arctic Slope along the Dalton Highway, Yukon River to Prudhoe Bay, Alaska, Volume 1: Alaska Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys Guidebook 7 vol. 1, 309 p., 1 sheet, scale 1 inch = 45 miles. https://doi.org/10.14509/269
OF 89-554 Report
Patton, W.W., Jr., Box, S.E., Moll-Stalcup, E.J., and Miller, T.P., 1989, Geology of west-central Alaska: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 89-554, 54 p.
P 1497-A Report Map
Dusel-Bacon, Cynthia, Brosge, W.P., Till, A.B., Doyle, E.O., Mayfield, C.F., Reiser, H.N., and Miller, T.P., 1989, Distribution, facies, ages, and proposed tectonic associations of regionally metamorphosed rocks in northern Alaska: U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper 1497-A, p. A1-A44, 2 sheets, scale 1:1,000,000.
Handschy, J.W., 1989
Handschy, J.W., 1989, Sedimentology and structural geology of the Endicott Mountains allochthon, central Brooks Range, Alaska: Houston, Texas, Rice University, Ph.D. dissertation, 172 p., illust., maps (4 maps folded in pocket).
Julian, F.E., 1989
Julian, F.E., 1989, Structure and stratigraphy of lower Paleozoic rocks, Doonerak Window, central Brooks Range, Alaska: Houston, Texas, Rice University, Ph.D. dissertation, 127 p., illust., maps (1 folded map in pocket).
Munich, T.A., 1989
Munich, T.A., 1989, Hydrological and transport load characteristics of small alpine watersheds, central Brooks Range, Alaska: Indiana University, Bloomington, M.S. thesis, 88 p., illust., maps.
Murchey, B.L., 1989
Murchey, B.L., 1989, Late Paleozoic siliceous basins of the western Cordillera of North America (Nevada, California, Mexico, and Alaska): Three studies using radiolarians and sponge spicules for biostratigraphic, paleobathymetric, and tectonic analyses: University of California, Santa Cruz, Ph.D. dissertation, 195 p., illust., maps.
GB 7-8 Report
Mull, C.G., 1989, History of oil exploration on the Arctic Slope, in Mull, C.G., and Adams, K.E., eds., Bedrock geology of the eastern Koyukuk basin, central Brooks Range, and east-central Arctic Slope along the Dalton Highway, Yukon River to Prudhoe Bay, Alaska, Volume 1: Alaska Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys Guidebook 7-8, p. 133-139. https://doi.org/10.14509/24114
GB 7-10 Report
Dillon, J.T., 1989, Structure and stratigraphy of the southern Brooks Range and northern Koyukuk basin near the Dalton Highway, in Mull, C.G., and Adams, K.E., eds., Bedrock geology of the eastern Koyukuk basin, central Brooks Range, and east-central Arctic Slope along the Dalton Highway, Yukon River to Prudhoe Bay, Alaska, Volume 2: Alaska Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys Guidebook 7-10, p. 157-187. https://doi.org/10.14509/24124
GB 7-12 Report
Smith, D.T., and Dillon, J.T., 1989, Gravity-and-magnetic model of the Dalton Highway corridor through the Brooks Range, in Mull, C.G., and Adams, K.E., eds., Bedrock geology of the eastern Koyukuk basin, central Brooks Range, and east-central Arctic Slope along the Dalton Highway, Yukon River to Prudhoe Bay, Alaska, Volume 2: Alaska Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys Guidebook 7-12, p. 191-194. https://doi.org/10.14509/24126
GB 7-13 Report
Dillon, J.T., Lamal, K.K., and Huber, J.A., 1989, Gold deposits in the upper Koyukuk and Chandalar mining districts, in Mull, C.G., and Adams, K.E., eds., Bedrock geology of the eastern Koyukuk basin, central Brooks Range, and east-central Arctic Slope along the Dalton Highway, Yukon River to Prudhoe Bay, Alaska, Volume 2: Alaska Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys Guidebook 7-13, p. 195-201. https://doi.org/10.14509/24127
GB 7-14 Report
Mull, C.G., Adams, K.E., and Dillon, J.T., 1989, Stratigraphy and structure of the Doonerak fenster and Endicott Mountains allochthon, central Brooks Range, in Mull, C.G., and Adams, K.E., eds., Bedrock geology of the eastern Koyukuk basin, central Brooks Range, and east-central Arctic Slope along the Dalton Highway, Yukon River to Prudhoe Bay, Alaska, Volume 2: Alaska Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys Guidebook 7-14, p. 203-217. https://doi.org/10.14509/24128
GB 7-15 Report
Moore, T.E., Nilsen, T.H., and Brosge, W.P., 1989, Sedimentology of the Kanayut Conglomerate, in Mull, C.G., and Adams, K.E., eds., Bedrock geology of the eastern Koyukuk basin, central Brooks Range, and east-central Arctic Slope along the Dalton Highway, Yukon River to Prudhoe Bay, Alaska, Volume 2: Alaska Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys Guidebook 7-15, p. 219-252. https://doi.org/10.14509/24129
GB 7-16 Report
Armstrong, A.K., and Mamet, B.L., 1989, Stratigraphy of the Lisburne Group in the central Brooks Range, in Mull, C.G., and Adams, K.E., eds., Bedrock geology of the eastern Koyukuk basin, central Brooks Range, and east-central Arctic Slope along the Dalton Highway, Yukon River to Prudhoe Bay, Alaska, Volume 2: Alaska Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys Guidebook 7-16, p. 253-265. https://doi.org/10.14509/24130
GB 7-17 Report
Adams, K.E., and Siok, J.P., 1989, Permian stratigraphy in the Atigun Gorge area: A transition between the Echooka and Siksikpuk Formations, in Mull, C.G., and Adams, K.E., eds., Bedrock geology of the eastern Koyukuk basin, central Brooks Range, and east-central Arctic Slope along the Dalton Highway, Yukon River to Prudhoe Bay, Alaska, Volume 2: Alaska Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys Guidebook 7-17, p. 267-276. https://doi.org/10.14509/24131
GB 7-18 Report
Bodnar, D.A., 1989, Stratigraphy of the Otuk Formation and a Cretaceous coquinoid limestone and shale unit, northcentral Brooks Range, in Mull, C.G., and Adams, K.E., eds., Bedrock geology of the eastern Koyukuk basin, central Brooks Range, and east-central Arctic Slope along the Dalton Highway, Yukon River to Prudhoe Bay, Alaska, Volume 2: Alaska Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys Guidebook 7-18, p. 277-284. https://doi.org/10.14509/24132
GB 7-19 Report
Siok, J.P., 1989, Stratigraphy and petrology of the Okpikruak Formation at Cobblestone Creek, northcentral Brooks Range, in Mull, C.G., and Adams, K.E., eds., Bedrock geology of the eastern Koyukuk basin, central Brooks Range, and east-central Arctic Slope along the Dalton Highway, Yukon River to Prudhoe Bay, Alaska, Volume 2: Alaska Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys Guidebook 7-19, p. 285-292. https://doi.org/10.14509/24133
GB 7-20 Report
Crowder, R.K., 1989, Deposition of the Fortress Mountain Formation, in Mull, C.G., and Adams, K.E., eds., Bedrock geology of the eastern Koyukuk basin, central Brooks Range, and east-central Arctic Slope along the Dalton Highway, Yukon River to Prudhoe Bay, Alaska, Volume 2: Alaska Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys Guidebook 7-20, p. 293-301. https://doi.org/10.14509/24134
GB 7-21 Report
Huffman, A.C., Jr., 1989, The Nanushuk Group, in Mull, C.G., and Adams, K.E., eds., Bedrock geology of the eastern Koyukuk basin, central Brooks Range, and east-central Arctic Slope along the Dalton Highway, Yukon River to Prudhoe Bay, Alaska, Volume 2: Alaska Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys Guidebook 7-21, p. 303-309. https://doi.org/10.14509/24135
GB 7-1 Report
Mull, C.G., and Adams, K.E., 1989, Introduction, in Mull, C.G., and Adams, K.E., eds., Bedrock geology of the eastern Koyukuk basin, central Brooks Range, and east-central Arctic Slope along the Dalton Highway, Yukon River to Prudhoe Bay, Alaska, Volume 1: Alaska Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys Guidebook 7-1, p. 1-16. https://doi.org/10.14509/22624
GB 7-2 Report
Dutro, J.T., Jr., 1989, A brief history of eighty years of geological exploration in the central Brooks Range, northern Alaska, in Mull, C.G., and Adams, K.E., eds., Bedrock geology of the eastern Koyukuk basin, central Brooks Range, and east-central Arctic Slope along the Dalton Highway, Yukon River to Prudhoe Bay, Alaska, Volume 1: Alaska Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys Guidebook 7-2, p. 17-21. https://doi.org/10.14509/22625
GB 7-3 Report
Hamilton, T.D., 1989, Glacial geology of the Brooks Range, in Mull, C.G., and Adams, K.E., eds., Bedrock geology of the eastern Koyukuk basin, central Brooks Range, and east-central Arctic Slope along the Dalton Highway, Yukon River to Prudhoe Bay, Alaska, Volume 1: Alaska Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys Guidebook 7-3, p. 23-26. https://doi.org/10.14509/22626
GB 7-4 Report
Patton, W.W., Jr., 1989, Framework geology: Yukon River to Brooks Range, in Mull, C.G., and Adams, K.E., eds., Bedrock geology of the eastern Koyukuk basin, central Brooks Range, and east-central Arctic Slope along the Dalton Highway, Yukon River to Prudhoe Bay, Alaska, Volume 1: Alaska Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys Guidebook 7-4, p. 27-30. https://doi.org/10.14509/22628
GB 7-5 Report
Mull, C.G., 1989, Generalized stratigraphy and structure of the Brooks Range and Arctic Slope, in Mull, C.G., and Adams, K.E., eds., Bedrock geology of the eastern Koyukuk basin, central Brooks Range, and east-central Arctic Slope along the Dalton Highway, Yukon River to Prudhoe Bay, Alaska, Volume 1: Alaska Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys Guidebook 7-5, p. 31-46. https://doi.org/10.14509/22629
GB 7-6 Report
Mull, C.G., 1989, Summary of structural style and history of Brooks Range deformation, in Mull, C.G., and Adams, K.E., eds., Bedrock geology of the eastern Koyukuk basin, central Brooks Range, and east-central Arctic Slope along the Dalton Highway, Yukon River to Prudhoe Bay, Alaska, Volume 1: Alaska Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys Guidebook 7-6, p. 47-56. https://doi.org/10.14509/22630
GB 7-7 Report
Mull, C.G., 1989, Dalton Highway road log, Introduction, in Mull, C.G., and Adams, K.E., eds., Bedrock geology of the eastern Koyukuk basin, central Brooks Range, and east-central Arctic Slope along the Dalton Highway, Yukon River to Prudhoe Bay, Alaska, Volume 1: Alaska Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys Guidebook 7-7, p. 57-58. https://doi.org/10.14509/22631
GB 7-7B Report
Dillon, J.T., Solie, D.N., Decker, J.E., Murphy, J.M., Bakke, A.A., and Huber, J.A., 1989, Road log from South Fork Koyukuk River (Mile 156.2) to Chandalar Shelf (Mile 237.1), in Mull, C.G., and Adams, K.E., eds., Bedrock geology of the eastern Koyukuk basin, central Brooks Range, and east-central Arctic Slope along the Dalton Highway, Yukon River to Prudhoe Bay, Alaska, Volume 1: Alaska Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys Guidebook 7-7B, p. 74-98. https://doi.org/10.14509/24112
PDF 89-20 Report Map
Foley, J.Y., Burns, L.E., Schneider, C.L., and Forbes, R.B., 1989, Preliminary report of platinum group element occurrences in Alaska: Alaska Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys Public Data File 89-20, 33 p., 1 sheet, scale 1:2,500,000. https://doi.org/10.14509/1423
PR 98 Map
Dillon, J.T., Reifenstuhl, R.R., Bakke, A.A., and Adams, D.D., 1989, Geologic map of the Wiseman A-1 Quadrangle, southcentral Brooks Range, Alaska: Alaska Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys Professional Report 98, 1 sheet, scale 1:63,360. https://doi.org/10.14509/2279
MP 18 Report
Burton, P.J., and Berg, H.C., comps., 1988, Placer mining: Yesterday, today, tomorrow: Proceedings of the eighth annual Alaska conference on placer mining-1986: Alaska Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys Miscellaneous Publication 18, 165 p. https://doi.org/10.14509/703
OF 88-293 Report Map
Bliss, J.D., Brosge, W.P., Dillon, J.T., Cathrall, J.B., and Dutro, J.T., Jr., 1988, Maps and descriptions of lode and placer deposits, prospects, and occurrences in the Wiseman 1° by 3° Quadrangle, Alaska: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 88-293, 53 p., 2 sheets, scale 1:250,000.
OF 88-533 Report Map
Bliss, J.D., Brosge, W.P., Dillon, J.T., Dutro, J.T., Jr., Cathrall, J.B., and Cady, J.W., 1988, Mineral resource assessment of the Wiseman 1° by 3° Quadrangle, Alaska: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 88-533, 83 p., 3 sheets, scale 1:250,000.
P 1399 Report
Brosge, W.P., Nilsen, T.H., Moore, T.E., and Dutro, J.T., Jr., 1988, Geology of the Upper Devonian and Lower Mississippian(?) Kanayut Conglomerate in the central and eastern Brooks Range, in Gryc, George, ed., Geology and exploration of the National Petroleum Reserve in Alaska, 1974 to 1982: U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper 1399, p. 299-316, scale 1:500,000.
MF 1993 Map
Jones, D.L., Coney, P.J., Harms, T.A., and Dillon, J.T., 1988, Interpretive geologic map and supporting radiolarian data from the Angayucham terrane, Coldfoot area, southern Brooks Range, Alaska: U.S. Geological Survey Miscellaneous Field Studies Map 1993, 1 sheet, scale 1:63,360.
PDF 88-17 Map
Dillon, J.T., Reifenstuhl, R.R., and Bakke, A.A., 1988, Geologic map of the Wiseman A-1 Quadrangle, southcentral Brooks Range, Alaska: Alaska Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys Public Data File 88-17, 1 sheet, scale 1:63,360. https://doi.org/10.14509/1365
PDF 88-18
Dillon, J.T., and Reifenstuhl, R.R., 1988, Preliminary geologic map of the Wiseman B-1 Quadrangle, Alaska: Alaska Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys Public Data File 88-18. https://doi.org/10.14509/1366
RI 88-5 Map
Dillon, J.T., Harris, A.G., Dutro, J.T., Jr., Solie, D.N., Blum, J.D., Jones, D.L., and Howell, D.G., 1988, Preliminary geologic map and section of the Chandalar D-6 and parts of the Chandalar C-6 and Wiseman C-1 and D-1 quadrangles, Alaska: Alaska Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys Report of Investigation 88-5, 1 sheet, scale 1:63,360. https://doi.org/10.14509/2453
PDF 88-15 Report
Merritt, R.D., 1988, Alaska bituminous coal and anthracite: Alaska Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys Public Data File 88-15, 116 p. https://doi.org/10.14509/1364
B 1778 Report
Molenaar, C.M., 1987, Introduction to Petroleum geology of the northern part of the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, northeastern Alaska, in Bird, K.J., and Magoon, L.B., eds., Petroleum geology of the northern part of the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, northeastern Alaska: U.S. Geological Survey Bulletin 1778, p. 3-6.
B 1778 Report
Molenaar, C.M., 1987, Principles of petroleum geology and exploration methods, in Bird, K.J., and Magoon, L.B., eds., Petroleum geology of the northern part of the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, northeastern Alaska: U.S. Geological Survey Bulletin 1778, p. 7-15.
B 1778 Report
Bird, K.J., and Molenaar, C.M., 1987, Stratigraphy, in Bird, K.J., and Magoon, L.B., eds., Petroleum geology of the northern part of the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, northeastern Alaska: U.S. Geological Survey Bulletin 1778, p. 37-59.
B 1778 Report
Wolf, S.C., Barnes, P.W., Rearic, D.M., and Reimnitz, Erk, 1987, Quaternary seismic stratigraphy of the inner continental shelf north of the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, in Bird, K.J., and Magoon, L.B., eds., Petroleum geology of the northern part of the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, northeastern Alaska: U.S. Geological Survey Bulletin 1778, p. 61-78.
B 1778 Report
Bird, K.J., Griscom, S.B., Bartsch-Winkler, Susan, and Giovannetti, D.M., 1987, Petroleum reservoir rocks, in Bird, K.J., and Magoon, L.B., eds., Petroleum geology of the northern part of the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, northeastern Alaska: U.S. Geological Survey Bulletin 1778, p. 79-99.
B 1778 Report
Marinai, R.K., 1987, Petrography and diagenesis of the Ledge Sandstone Member of the Triassic Ivishak Formation, in Bird, K.J., and Magoon, L.B., eds., Petroleum geology of the northern part of the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, northeastern Alaska: U.S. Geological Survey Bulletin 1778, p. 101-115.
B 1778 Report
Gautier, D.L., 1987, Petrology of Cretaceous and Tertiary reservoir sandstones in the Point Thomson area, in Bird, K.J., and Magoon, L.B., eds., Petroleum geology of the northern part of the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, northeastern Alaska: U.S. Geological Survey Bulletin 1778, p. 117-122.
B 1778 Report
Magoon, L.B., Woodward, P.V., Banet, A.C., Jr., Griscom, S.B., and Daws, T.A., 1987, Thermal maturity, richness, and type of organic matter of source-rock units, in Bird, K.J., and Magoon, L.B., eds., Petroleum geology of the northern part of the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, northeastern Alaska: U.S. Geological Survey Bulletin 1778, p. 127-179.
B 1778 Report
Anders, D.E., Magoon, L.B., and Lubeck, C.M., 1987, Geochemistry of surface oil shows and potential source rocks, in Bird, K.J., and Magoon, L.B., eds., Petroleum geology of the northern part of the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, northeastern Alaska: U.S. Geological Survey Bulletin 1778, p. 181-198.
B 1778 Report
Gautier, D.L., Bird, K.J., and Colten-Bradley, V.A., 1987, Relationship of clay mineralogy, thermal maturity, and geopressure in wells of the Point Thomson area, in Bird, K.J., and Magoon, L.B., eds., Petroleum geology of the northern part of the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, northeastern Alaska: U.S. Geological Survey Bulletin 1778, p. 199-207.
B 1778 Report
Cunningham, K.I., Roberts, A.A., and Donovan, T.J., 1987, Horizontal-gradient magnetic and helium surveys, in Bird, K.J., and Magoon, L.B., eds., Petroleum geology of the northern part of the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, northeastern Alaska: U.S. Geological Survey Bulletin 1778, p. 209-218.
B 1778 Report
Robbins, S.L., 1987, Gravity interpretation of the coastal plain, in Bird, K.J., and Magoon, L.B., eds., Petroleum geology of the northern part of the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, northeastern Alaska: U.S. Geological Survey Bulletin 1778, p. 219-224.
B 1778 Report
Leinbach, W.J., Jr., Miller, J.J., and Myung, W., 1987, Seismic-reflection data processing, in Bird, K.J., and Magoon, L.B., eds., Petroleum geology of the northern part of the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, northeastern Alaska: U.S. Geological Survey Bulletin 1778, p. 225-233, scale 1:500,000.
B 1778 Report
Foland, R.L., and Lalla, D.J., 1987, Seismic-reflection data acquisition, processing, and interpretation, in Bird, K.J., and Magoon, L.B., eds., Petroleum geology of the northern part of the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, northeastern Alaska: U.S. Geological Survey Bulletin 1778, p. 235-243.
B 1778 Report
Dolton, G.L., Bird, K.J., and Crovelli, R.A., 1987, Assessment of in-place oil and gas resources, in Bird, K.J., and Magoon, L.B., eds., Petroleum geology of the northern part of the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, northeastern Alaska: U.S. Geological Survey Bulletin 1778, p. 277-298.
B 1786 Report
Grybeck, Donald, and Nokleberg, W.J., 1987, Significant metalliferous lode deposits, Brooks Range, in Nokleberg, W.J., Bundtzen, T.K., Berg, H.C., Brew, D.A., Grybeck, Donald, Robinson, M.S., Smith, T.E., and Yeend, W.E., Significant metalliferous lode deposits and placer districts of Alaska: U.S. Geological Survey Bulletin 1786, p. 9-17.
B 1786 Report
Yeend, W.E., Bundtzen, T.K., and Nokleberg, W.J., 1987, Significant placer districts of Alaska, in Nokleberg, W.J., Bundtzen, T.K., Berg, H.C., Brew, D.A., Grybeck, Donald, Robinson, M.S., Smith, T.E., and Yeend, W.E., Significant metalliferous lode deposits and placer districts of Alaska: U.S. Geological Survey Bulletin 1786, p. 73-82, scale 1:5,000,000.
C 998 Report
Repetski, J.E., Carter, Claire, Harris, A.G., and Dutro, J.T., Jr., 1987, Ordovician and Silurian fossils from the Doonerak anticlinorium, central Brooks Range, Alaska, in Hamilton, T.D., and Galloway, J.P., eds., Geologic studies in Alaska by the U.S. Geological Survey during 1986: U.S. Geological Survey Circular 998, p. 40-42.
OF 87-12 Report Map
Cathrall, J.B., Dillon, J.T., Hoffman, J.D., Brosge, W.P., and Bliss, J.D., 1987, Geochemical maps and evaluation of stream-sediment geochemical data of the Wiseman 1° by 3° Quadrangle, Brooks Range, Alaska: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 87-12, 67 p., 2 sheets.
OF 87-139 Report
Cathrall, J.B., Brosge, W.P., and Dillon, J.T., 1987, Stream-sediment geochemical anomalies in the Doonerak area, Wiseman Quadrangle, Brooks Range, Alaska: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 87-139, 6 p.
OFR 10-87 Report
Maas, K.M., 1987, Availability of land for mineral exploration and development in northern Alaska, 1986: U.S. Bureau of Mines Open-File Report 10-87, 75 p.
Gottschalk, R.R., Jr., 1987
Gottschalk, R.R., Jr., 1987, Structural and petrologic evolution of the southern Brooks Range near Wiseman, Alaska: Houston, Texas, Rice University, Ph.D. dissertation, 263 p., illust., maps (2 in pocket).
Phelps, J.C., 1987
Phelps, J.C., 1987, Stratigraphy and structure of the northeastern Doonerak Window area, central Brooks Range, northern Alaska: Houston, Texas, Rice University, Ph.D. dissertation, 171 p., illust., maps (9 maps folded in pocket).
MP 9 Report
Albanese, M.D., and Campbell, B.W., comps., 1987, Placer mining-jobs for Alaska: Proceedings of the Ninth Annual Alaska Conference on Placer Mining-1987: Alaska Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys Miscellaneous Publication 9, 321 p. https://doi.org/10.14509/672
MP 9E Report
Mosier, Elwin, Cathrall, J.B., Antweiler, John, Tripp, Richard, Lueck, L.L., and Eakins, G.R., 1987, Gold occurrences and characteristics in the Chandalar-Koyukuk area, in Albanese, M.D., and Campbell, B.W., comps., Placer mining-jobs for Alaska: Proceedings of the Ninth Annual Alaska Conference on Placer Mining-1987: Alaska Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys Miscellaneous Publication 9E, p. 45-53. https://doi.org/10.14509/676
PDF 86-92 Report
Merritt, R.D., 1987, Evaluation of Alaska's coal potential (1982): Alaska Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys Public Data File 86-92, 18 p. https://doi.org/10.14509/1293
PDF 87-6 Report
Merritt, R.D., 1987, Alaska's low-sulfur coals hold leading edge in future Pacific-Rim and U.S. coal trade: Alaska Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys Public Data File 87-6, 155 p. https://doi.org/10.14509/1308
PDF 87-8 Report
Mull, C.G., Dillon, J.T., and Adams, K.E., 1987, The Doonerak Fenster, central Brooks Range, Alaska: Alaska Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys Public Data File 87-8, 17 p. https://doi.org/10.14509/1310
PDF 87-11 Map
Dillon, J.T., 1987, Upper Koyukuk District land and mining claim status current to 1985: Alaska Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys Public Data File 87-11, 1 sheet, scale 1:125,000. https://doi.org/10.14509/1313
PR 87 Map
Dillon, J.T., Pessel, G.H., Lueck, L.L., and Hamilton, W.B., 1987, Geologic map of the Wiseman A-4 Quadrangle, southcentral Brooks Range, Alaska: Alaska Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys Professional Report 87, 2 sheets. https://doi.org/10.14509/2268
B 1778 Report
Callahan, J.E., Brougham, G.W., and Bascle, R.J., 1987, Economically recoverable oil resources, in Bird, K.J., and Magoon, L.B., eds., Petroleum geology of the northern part of the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, northeastern Alaska: U.S. Geological Survey Bulletin 1778, p. 289-299.
MF 1907 Map
Molenaar, C.M., Bird, K.J., and Collett, T.S., 1986, Regional correlation sections across the North Slope of Alaska: U.S. Geological Survey Miscellaneous Field Studies Map 1907, 1 sheet.
OF 86-219 Map
Dillon, J.T., Brosge, W.P., and Dutro, J.T., Jr., 1986, Generalized geologic map of the Wiseman Quadrangle, Alaska: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 86-219, 1 sheet, scale 1:250,000.
OF 86-345 Report Map
Mosier, E.L., and Lewis, J.S., 1986, Analytical results, geochemical signatures, and sample locality map of lode gold, placer gold, and heavy-mineral concentrates from the Koyukuk-Chandalar mining district, Alaska: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 86-345, 172 p., 1 sheet, scale 1:250,000.
Hawk, J.M., 1986
Hawk, J.M., 1986, Lithospheric flexure, overthrust timing, and stratigraphic modeling of the central Brooks Range and Colville Foredeep (Alaska): Houston, Texas, Rice University, M.A. thesis, 179 p., illust., maps.
Hinkel, K.M., 1986
Hinkel, K.M., 1986, Palsa formation in north-central Alaska: University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Ph.D. dissertation, 200 p., illust., maps.
Smith, D.T., 1986
Smith, D.T., 1986, A gravity investigation of northern Alaska with emphasis on the Wiseman Quadrangle and adjacent Dalton Highway: University of Alaska Fairbanks, M.S. thesis, 116 p.
Steensma, G.J., 1986
Steensma, G.J., 1986, Attenuation of coda waves in central Alaska: University of Alaska Fairbanks, M.S. thesis, 97 p.
PDF 86-1A Report
Pessel, G.H., Robinson, M.S., Decker, J.E., Gray, Morgan, Koepf, Gail, and Fraser, C.C., 1986, Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, northeastern Alaska, bibliography and index of northern Alaska geology: Alaska Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys Public Data File 86-1A, 474 p. https://doi.org/10.14509/1170
PDF 86-50 Report
Tifental, Walter, and Decker, J.E., 1986, Composition and provenance of sandstone cobble clasts: Alaska Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys Public Data File 86-50, 27 p. https://doi.org/10.14509/1225
PDF 86-90 Report
Merritt, R.D., 1986, Alaska: coal fields and seams 1987: Alaska Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys Public Data File 86-90, 55 p. https://doi.org/10.14509/1291
PDF 86-96 Report
Merritt, R.D., 1986, Western arctic coal-study proposal (1986): Alaska Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys Public Data File 86-96, 13 p. https://doi.org/10.14509/1297
Butler, B.D., 1985
Butler, B.D., 1985, The structural and tectonic evolution of the central Brooks Range and North Slope, Alaska: Baton Rouge, Louisiana, Louisiana State University, M.S. thesis, 92 p., 3 maps.
Estabrook, C.H., 1985
Estabrook, C.H., 1985, Seismotectonics of northern Alaska: University of Alaska Fairbanks, M.S. thesis, 139 p., illust.
Harris, R.A., 1985
Harris, R.A., 1985, Paleomagnetism, geochronology and paleotemperature of the Yukon-Koyukuk Province: University of Alaska Fairbanks, M.S. thesis, 143 p., illust. (1 folded), maps.
PDF 85-21 Report
Merritt, R.D., 1985, Alaska coal summary - 1983: Alaska Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys Public Data File 85-21, 54 p. https://doi.org/10.14509/1114
OF 84-161-A Report Map
O'Leary, R.M., Hoffman, J.D., Sutley, S.J., and Lewis, J.S., 1984, Analytical results and sample locality maps of stream-sediment, heavy-mineral-concentrate, pebble, and rock samples from the Wiseman Quadrangle, Alaska: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 84-161-A, 398 p., 3 sheets, scale 1:250,000.
OF 84-161-B Report Map
Cathrall, J.B., Dillon, J.T., and Chazin, Barbara, 1984, Maps of anomalous trace metals in rocks and stream-sediment pebbles of the Wiseman 1° by 3° Quadrangle, Brooks Range, Alaska: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 84-161-B, 35 p., 2 sheets, scale 1:250,000.
Baker, S.A., 1984
Baker, S.A., 1984, Holocene palynology and reconstruction of paleoclimates in north-central Alaska: University of Colorado, Boulder, M.S. thesis, 204 p.
Burns, P.E., 1984
Burns, P.E., 1984, The regime of Grizzly Glacier, central Brooks Range, Alaska: Buffalo, New York, State University of New York, M.S. thesis, 94 p.
C 868 Report
Dutro, J.T., Jr., Palmer, A.R., Repetski, J.E., and Brosge, W.P., 1984, The Doonerak anticlinorium revisited, in Coonrad, W.L., and Elliott, R.L., eds., The United States Geological Survey in Alaska; accomplishments during 1981: U.S. Geological Survey Circular 868, p. 17-18.
MP 14 Report
Bundtzen, T.K., 1984, Drift-miners--Alaska's incurable optimists: Alaska Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys Miscellaneous Publication 14, 4 p. https://doi.org/10.14509/699
RI 84-16 Report Map
Dean, K.G., 1984, Stream-icing zones in Alaska: Alaska Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys Report of Investigation 84-16, 20 p., 102 sheets, scale 1:250,000. https://doi.org/10.14509/2375
Coley, M.J., 1983
Coley, M.J., 1983, Intraplate seismicity in central Alaska and Chukotka: East Lansing, Michigan, Michigan State University, M.S. thesis, 97 p., illust., maps.
OFR 59-83 Report Map
Barker, J.C., 1983, Reconnaissance of tin and tungsten in heavy mineral panned concentrates along the Trans-Alaska Pipeline corridor, north of Livengood, interior Alaska: U.S. Bureau of Mines Open-File Report 59-83, 24 p., 2 sheets, scale 1:250,000.
GB 4 Report
Brown, Jerry, and Kreig, R.A., 1983, Guidebook to permafrost and related features along the Elliott and Dalton Highways, Fox to Prudhoe Bay, Alaska: Alaska Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys Guidebook 4, 230 p. https://doi.org/10.14509/266
OF 82-1071 Report Map
Brosge, W.P., and Patton, W.W., Jr., 1982, Regional bedrock geologic maps along the Dalton Highway, Yukon Crossing to Toolik, Alaska: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 82-1071, 9 p., 1 sheet, scale 1:500,000.
OF 82-199 Report
Nilsen, T.H., Moore, T.E., Balin, D.F., and Johnson, S.Y., 1982, Sedimentology and stratigraphy of the Kanayut Conglomerate, central Brooks Range, Alaska; report of 1980 field season: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 82-199, 81 p.
OF 82-674 Report
Nilsen, T.H., and Moore, T.E., 1982, Sedimentology and stratigraphy of the Kanayut Conglomerate, central and western Brooks Range, Alaska; report of 1981 field season: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 82-674, 64 p.
AOF 147 Map
Henning, M.W., 1982, Reconnaissance geology and stratigraphy of the Skajit Formation, Wiseman B-5 Quadrangle, Alaska: Alaska Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys Alaska Open-File Report 147, 1 sheet, scale 1:63,360. https://doi.org/10.14509/67
AOF 143 Map
Hackett, S.W., and Dillon, J.T., 1982, Physical rock-property values for selected rock types, southwestern corner, Wiseman Quadrangle: Alaska Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys Alaska Open-File Report 143, 1 sheet, scale 1:250,000. https://doi.org/10.14509/63
AOF 158 Report Map
Dillon, J.T., 1982, Source of lode and placer gold deposits of the Chandalar and upper Koyukuk Districts: Alaska Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys Alaska Open-File Report 158, 25 p., 1 sheet, scale 1:250,000. https://doi.org/10.14509/92
AOF 176 Map
Decker, J.E., and Dillon, J.T., 1982, Aeromagnetic map of the Wiseman Quadrangle, Alaska: Alaska Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys Alaska Open-File Report 176, 1 sheet, scale 1:250,000. https://doi.org/10.14509/112
GR 66 Report
Kreig, R.A., and Reger, R.D., 1982, Air-photo analysis and summary of landform soil properties along the route of the trans-Alaska pipeline system: Alaska Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys Geologic Report 66, 149 p. https://doi.org/10.14509/426
OF 81-506 Report
Nilsen, T.H., Moore, T.E., Brosge, W.P., and Dutro, J.T., Jr., 1981, Sedimentology and stratigraphy of the Kanayut Conglomerate and associated units, Brooks Range, Alaska; report of 1979 field season: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 81-506, 39 p.
OF 81-551 Report Map
Brosge, W.P., Reiser, H.N., Dutro, J.T., Jr., and Detterman, R.L., 1981, Organic geochemical data for Mesozoic and Paleozoic shales, central and eastern Brooks Range, Alaska: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 81-551, 17 p., 2 sheets.
OF 81-732-A Report
Cobb, E.H., 1981, Summaries of data on and lists of references to metallic and selected nonmetallic mineral occurrences in the Wiseman Quadrangle, Alaska; supplement to Open-file report 76-340; Part A, Summaries of data to January 1, 1981: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 81-732-A, 21 p.
OF 81-732-B Report
Cobb, E.H., 1981, Summaries of data on and lists of references to metallic and selected nonmetallic mineral occurrences in the Wiseman Quadrangle, Alaska; supplement to Open-file report 76-340; Part B, Lists of references to January 1, 1981: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 81-732-B, 21 p.
Averett, W.R. and Barker, James, 1981 Report Map
Averett, W.R., and Barker, James, 1981, Report of analyses from mineral resource investigations in central and eastern Alaska, Contract No. GJ8X-178(81) : U.S. Bureau of Mines Contract Report, 150 p., 9 sheets.
AOF 119 Map
Dillon, J.T., Hamilton, W.B., and Lueck, L.L., 1981, Geologic map of the Wiseman A-3 Quadrangle, Alaska: Alaska Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys Alaska Open-File Report 119, 1 sheet, scale 1:63,360. https://doi.org/10.14509/35
AOF 124 Map
Dillon, J.T., Pessel, G.H., Lueck, L.L., and Hamilton, W.B., 1981, Geologic map of the Wiseman A-4 Quadrangle: Alaska Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys Alaska Open-File Report 124, 1 sheet, scale 1:63,360. https://doi.org/10.14509/41
AOF 133A Report Map
Dillon, J.T., Cathrall, J.B., and Moorman, M.A., 1981, Geochemical reconnaissance of the southwest Wiseman Quadrangle; summary of data on panconcentrate and stream-sediment samples: Alaska Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys Alaska Open-File Report 133A, 178 p., 1 sheet, scale 1:250,000. https://doi.org/10.14509/51
AOF 133B Report Map
Dillon, J.T., Moorman, M.A., and Lueck, L.L., 1981, Geochemical reconnaissance of the southwest Wiseman Quadrangle; summary of data on rock samples: Alaska Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys Alaska Open-File Report 133B, 166 p., 1 sheet, scale 1:250,000. https://doi.org/10.14509/52
OF 80-791 Report Map
Hamilton, T.D., 1980, Quaternary stratigraphic sections with radiocarbon dates, Wiseman Quadrangle, Alaska: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 80-791, 53 p., 1 sheet, scale 1:250,000.
OF 80-888 Report
Nilsen, T.H., Moore, T.E., Dutro, J.T., Jr., Brosge, W.P., and Orchard, D.M., 1980, Sedimentology and stratigraphy of the Kanayut Conglomerate and associated units, central and eastern Brooks Range, Alaska; report of 1978 field season: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 80-888, 40 p.
OF 80-554 Report
Still, P.J., 1980, Index of stream flow and water quality records to September 30, 1978, Arctic Slope, Alaska: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 80-554, 18 p.
B 1482-A Report
Dutro, J.T., Jr., Brosge, W.P., Reiser, H.N., and Detterman, R.L., 1979, Beaucoup Formation, a new Upper Devonian stratigraphic unit in the central Brooks Range, northern Alaska, in Sohl, N.F., and Wright, W.B., Changes in stratigraphic nomenclature by the U. S. Geological Survey, 1978: U.S. Geological Survey Bulletin 1482-A, p. A63-A69.
MF 1122 Map
Hamilton, T.D., 1979, Surficial geologic map of the Wiseman Quadrangle, Alaska: U.S. Geological Survey Miscellaneous Field Studies Map 1122, 1 sheet, scale 1:250,000.
OF 79-227 Report Map
Hamilton, T.D., 1979, Geologic road log, Alyeska haul road, Alaska, June-August 1975: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 79-227, 64 p., 4 sheets.
OF 79-228 Report
Hamilton, T.D., Trexler, J.H., Jr., and McCalpin, J.P., 1979, Analyses of surficial deposits, central Brooks Range, Alaska: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 79-228, 95 p.
MP 12 Report
Robinson, M.S., and Bundtzen, T.K., 1979, Historic gold production in Alaska--a minisummary: Alaska Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys Miscellaneous Publication 12, 10 p. https://doi.org/10.14509/697
OF 78-794 Report Map
Carter, L.D., and Galloway, J.P., 1978, Preliminary engineering geologic maps of the proposed natural gas pipeline route in the Tanana River valley, Alaska: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 78-794, 26 p., 3 sheets, scale 1:125,000.
OFR 109-78 Report Map
U.S. Bureau of Mines, 1978, Mineral appraisal of the proposed Gates of the Arctic Wilderness National Park, Alaska: A Preliminary Comment: U.S. Bureau of Mines Open-File Report 109-78, 29 p., 4 sheets, scale 1:1,000,000.
OF 78-1-B Report Map
Grybeck, Donald, and DeYoung, J.H., Jr., 1978, Map and tables describing mineral resource potential of the Brooks Range, Alaska: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 78-1-B, 36 p., 1 sheet, scale 1:1,000,000.
OF 78-137 Report
Childers, J.M., Nauman, J.W., Kernodle, D.R., and Doyle, P.F., 1978, Water resources along the TAPS route, Alaska, 1970-74: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 78-137, 136 p.
OF 78-329 Report
Detterman, R.L., 1978, The Arctic lowland region; potential landform and lifeform natural landmarks: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 78-329, 411 p.
Hackney, D.A., 1978
Hackney, D.A., 1978, Identification of and significant parameters of mining properties located in arctic and subarctic areas of North America: University of Alaska Fairbanks, M.S. thesis, 223 p., illust.
AOF 117A Map
Hackett, S.W., 1978, Physical rock-property values for selected rock types, southwest Wiseman Quadrangle: Alaska Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys Alaska Open-File Report 117A, 1 sheet, scale 1:125,000. https://doi.org/10.14509/33
GR 61 Report
Alaska Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys, 1978, Short Notes on Alaskan Geology - 1978: Alaska Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys Geologic Report 61, 41 p. https://doi.org/10.14509/407
GR 61H Report
Dillon, J.T., Pessel, G.H., Chen, J.H., and Veach, N.C., 1978, Tectonic and economic significance of Late Devonian and Late Proterozoic U-Pb zircon ages from the Brooks Range, Alaska, in Alaska Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys, Short Notes on Alaskan Geology - 1978: Alaska Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys Geologic Report 61H, p. 36-41. https://doi.org/10.14509/415
OFR 103-78 Report Map
Degenhart, C.E., Griffis, R.J., McQuat, J.F., and Bigelow, C.G., 1978, Mineral studies of the western Brooks Range performed under contract to the U.S. Bureau of Mines, Contract #J0155089: U.S. Bureau of Mines Open-File Report 103-78, 529 p., 11 sheets.
OF 77-166-A Map
Barnes, D.F., 1977, Bouguer gravity map of northern Alaska: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 77-166-A, 1 sheet, scale 1:1,000,000.
OF 77-166-B Map
Grybeck, Donald, Beikman, H.M., Brosge, W.P., Tailleur, I.L., and Mull, C.G., 1977, Geologic map of the Brooks Range, Alaska: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 77-166-B, 2 sheets, scale 1:1,000,000.
OF 77-166-C Report Map
Grybeck, Donald, 1977, Known mineral deposits of the Brooks Range, Alaska: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 77-166-C, 45 p., 1 sheet, scale 1:1,000,000.
OF 77-166-D Map
Grybeck, Donald, 1977, Map showing geochemical anomalies in the Brooks Range, Alaska: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 77-166-D, 1 sheet, scale 1:1,000,000.
OF 77-166-E Map
Decker, John, and Karl, S.M., 1977, Preliminary aeromagnetic map of the Brooks Range and Arctic Slope, Alaska: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 77-166-E, 1 sheet, scale 1:1,000,000.
OF 77-168-A Map
Eberlein, G.D., Gassaway, J.S., and Beikman, H.M., 1977, Preliminary geologic map of central Alaska: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 77-168-A, 1 sheet, scale 1:1,000,000.
OF 77-168-B Report Map
Cobb, E.H., 1977, Placer deposits map of central Alaska: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 77-168-B, 64 p., 1 sheet, scale 1:1,000,000.
OF 77-168-D Report Map
Eberlein, G.D., Chapman, R.M., Foster, H.L., and Gassaway, J.S., 1977, Map and table describing known metalliferous and selected nonmetalliferous mineral deposits in central Alaska: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 77-168-D, 132 p., 1 sheet, scale 1:1,000,000.
OF 77-168-E Map
Decker, John, and Karl, S.M., 1977, Preliminary aeromagnetic map of central Alaska: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 77-168-E, 1 sheet, scale 1:1,000,000.
OF 77-168-G Map
Gassaway, J.S., and Abramson, B.S., 1977, Map and table showing distribution of known coal deposits in central Alaska: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 77-168-G, 1 sheet, scale 1:1,000,000.
OF 77-168-H Map
Gassaway, J.S., and Abramson, B.S., 1977, Map and table showing distribution of known thermal springs and selected igneous rocks in central Alaska: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 77-168-H, 1 sheet, scale 1:1,000,000.
AOF 106 Map
Hackett, S.W., and Laird, G.M., 1977, Aeromagnetic map index of northern Alaska: Alaska Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys Alaska Open-File Report 106, 1 sheet, scale 1:1,000,000. https://doi.org/10.14509/11
GR 55 Report
Alaska Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys, 1977, Short Notes on Alaskan Geology - 1977: Alaska Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys Geologic Report 55, 50 p. https://doi.org/10.14509/391
MF 789 Map
Beikman, H.M., and Lathram, E.H., comps., 1976, Preliminary geologic map of northern Alaska: U.S. Geological Survey Miscellaneous Field Studies Map 789, 2 sheets, scale 1:1,000,000.
OF 76-340 Report
Cobb, E.H., 1976, Summary of references to mineral occurrences (other than mineral fuels and construction materials) in the Chandalar and Wiseman quadrangles, Alaska: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 76-340, 205 p.
OF 76-823 Map
Schumacher, G.M., 1976, Bathymetric map of the Chukchi Sea and Arctic Ocean: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 76-823, 2 sheets, scale 1:2,500,000.
P 979 Report
Sloan, C.E., Zenone, C., and Mayo, L.R., 1976, Icings along the Trans-Alaska pipeline route: U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper 979, 31 p.
MF 692 Map
Donovan, T.J., and Tailleur, I.L., 1975, Map showing paleocurrent and clast-size data from the Devonian-Mississippian Endicott Group, northern Alaska: U.S. Geological Survey Miscellaneous Field Studies Map 692, 1 sheet, scale 1:7,500,000.
OF 75-384 Report
Carter, R.D., Denman, J.M., and Pierpoint, J.G., 1975, Geological literature on the North Slope of Alaska, 1969-1974: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 75-384, 81 p.
OF 75-628 Report
Cobb, E.H., 1975, Summary of references to mineral occurrences (other than mineral fuels and construction materials) in northern Alaska: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 75-628, 106 p.
Nelsen, C.J., 1975
Nelsen, C.J., 1975, The geology and blueschist petrology of the western Ambler schist belt, southwestern Brooks Range, Alaska: University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, M.S. thesis, 123 p., illust.
AOF 86 Report Map
Wilson, F.H., and Turner, D.L., 1975, Radiometric age map of northern Alaska: Alaska Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys Alaska Open-File Report 86, 12 p., 1 sheet, scale 1:1,000,000. https://doi.org/10.14509/182
MP 10 Report
Bundtzen, T.K., 1975, Antimony in Alaska: Alaska Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys Miscellaneous Publication 10, 2 p. https://doi.org/10.14509/695
SR 10 Report
Turner, D.L., Grybeck, Donald, and Wilson, F.H., 1975, Radiometric dates from Alaska: A 1975 compilation: Alaska Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys Special Report 10, 66 p. https://doi.org/10.14509/2609
Taylor, J.D., 1974
Taylor, J.D., 1974, Photolinear analysis as an exploration technique for part of the Chandalar and Wiseman quadrangles, Brooks Range, Alaska: Tuscon, Arizona, University of Arizona, M.S. thesis, 104 p., 2 maps.
IC 8626 Report Map
Mulligan, J.J., 1974, Mineral resources of the Trans-Alaska Pipeline corridor: U.S. Bureau of Mines Information Circular 8626, 24 p., 9 sheets, scale 1:250,000.
OF 73-219 Report Map
Patton, W.W., Jr., and Miller, T.P., 1973, Analyses of the stream-sediment samples from the Bettles and the southern part of the Wiseman quadrangles, Alaska: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 73-219, 52 p., 1 sheet, scale 1:250,000.
OF 73-306 Map
U.S. Geological Survey, 1973, Aeromagnetic survey, eastern part of Wiseman Quadrangle, northeast Alaska: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 73-306, 1 sheet, scale 1:250,000.
MF 492 Map
Patton, W.W., Jr., and Miller, T.P., 1973, Bedrock geologic map of Bettles and southern part of Wiseman quadrangles, Alaska: U.S. Geological Survey Miscellaneous Field Studies Map 492, 1 sheet, scale 1:250,000.
MF 469 Map
Cobb, E.H., comp., 1972, Metallic mineral resources map of the Wiseman Quadrangle, Alaska: U.S. Geological Survey Miscellaneous Field Studies Map 469, 1 sheet, scale 1:250,000.
P 709 Report
Brosge, W.P., and Reiser, H.N., 1972, Geochemical reconnaissance in the Wiseman and Chandalar districts and adjacent region, southern Brooks Range, Alaska: U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper 709, 21 p.
CH 25 Map
Chipp, E.R., 1972, Analyses of rock and stream-sediment samples, Wild Lake area, Wiseman Quadrangle, Arctic Alaska: Alaska Division of Geological Survey Geochemical Report 25, 1 sheet, scale 1:48,000. https://doi.org/10.14509/260
Childers, J.M., 1972 Report
Childers, J.M., 1972, Channel erosion surveys along proposed TAPS route, Alaska, July 1971: U.S. Geological Survey, 87 p.
Thomas, B.I. and others, 1972 Report
Thomas, B.I., Kimball, A.L., Maloney, R.P., Pittman, T.L., Warfield, R.S., Blasko, D.P., Bottge, R.G., and Mulligan, J.J., 1972, Mineral resources of the Trans-Alaska pipeline corridor: U.S. Bureau of Mines Situation Report, 62 p.
OF 71-14 Report Map
Barnes, D.F., 1971, Preliminary Bouguer anomaly and specific gravity maps of Seward Peninsula and Yukon Flats, Alaska: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 71-14, 11 p., 4 sheets, scale 1:1,000,000.
OF 71-55 Report Map
Brosge, W.P., and Conradi, Arthur, Jr., 1971, Magnetic susceptibilities of crystalline rock samples, Yukon River-Porcupine River area, east-central Alaska: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 71-55, 8 p., 1 sheet.
OF 71-166 Map
Kachadoorian, Reuben, 1971, Preliminary engineering geologic maps of the proposed Trans-Alaska Pipeline route, Wiseman and Chandalar quadrangles: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 71-166, 2 sheets, scale 1:125,000.
OF 71-56 Map
Brosge, W.P., and Reiser, H.N., 1971, Preliminary bedrock geologic map, Wiseman and eastern Survey Pass quadrangles, Alaska: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 71-56, 2 sheets, scale 1:250,000.
OF 70-39 Report Map
Brosge, W.P., and Reiser, H.N., 1970, Chemical analyses of rock and soil samples, Chandalar and eastern Wiseman quadrangles, Alaska: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 70-39, 8 p., 2 sheets, scale 1:5,000,000.
OF 70-40 Report Map
Brosge, W.P., and Reiser, H.N., 1970, Chemical analyses of stream-sediment samples from the Chandalar and eastern Wiseman quadrangles, Alaska: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 70-40, 56 p., 1 sheet, scale 1:250,000.
P 664 Report
Armstrong, A.K., 1970, Carbonate facies and the lithostrotionid corals of the Mississippian Kogruk Formation, De Long Mountains, northwestern Alaska: U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper 664, 38 p.
GR 42 Report Map
Chipp, E.R., 1970, Geology and geochemistry of the Chandalar area, Brooks Range, Alaska: Alaska Division of Mines and Geology Geologic Report 42, 39 p., 1 sheet, scale 1 inch = 3000 feet. https://doi.org/10.14509/371
C 615 Report
Anderson, L.A., and Johnson, G.R., 1969, Bedrock depth by resistivity soundings, Middle Fork of the Koyukuk River, in U.S. Geological Survey, Some shorter mineral resource investigations in Alaska: U.S. Geological Survey Circular 615, p. 5-11.
OF 69-4 Report Map
U.S. Geological Survey, 1969, Hydrological observations, Fairbanks to Prudhoe Bay and other Arctic Slope area, May 1969: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 69-4, 11 p., 11 sheets.
OF 68-23 Map
Brosge, W.P., Brabb, E.E., and King, E.R., 1968, Geologic interpretation of reconnaissance aeromagnetic survey of northeastern Alaska: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 68-23, 3 sheets, scale 1:1,000,000.
OF 67-62 Report Map
Cobb, E.H., 1967, Metallic mineral resources map of the Wiseman Quadrangle, Alaska: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 67-62, 6 p., 1 sheet, scale 1:250,000.
OF 66-131 Report Map
Tourtelot, H.A., and Tailleur, I.L., 1966, Oil yield and chemical composition of shale from northern Alaska: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 66-131, 17 p., 6 sheets, scale 1:1,000,000.
OF 65-96 Map
Lathram, E.H., 1965, Preliminary geologic map of northern Alaska: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 65-96, 2 sheets, scale 1:1,000,000.
P 482 Report Map
Wahrhaftig, Clyde, 1965, Physiographic divisions of Alaska: U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper 482, 52 p., 6 sheets, scale 1:2,500,000.
P 501-A Report
Silberling, N.J., and Patton, W.W., Jr., 1964, Triassic rocks of Brooks Range, in U.S. Geological Survey, ed., Geological Survey research 1964, Chapter A: U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper 501-A, p. A116-A116.
Sandvik, P.O., 1964
Sandvik, P.O., 1964, Metal distribution in ore deposits of central Alaska: Palo Alto, California, Stanford University, Ph.D. dissertation, 201 p., diagrams, illust., maps, tables.
OF 60-4 Map
Andreasen, G.E., 1960, Total intensity aeromagnetic profile of the Brooks Range, Alaska: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 60-4, 3 sheets, scale 1:250,000.
OF 60-19 Map
Brosge, W.P., and Reiser, H.N., 1960, Progress map of the geology of the Wiseman Quadrangle, Alaska: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 60-19, 2 sheets, scale 1:250,000.
IR 31-3 Report
Saunders, R.H., 1959, Itinerary report on a trip to the Chandalar District: Alaska Territorial Department of Mines Itinerary Report 31-3, 12 p. https://doi.org/10.14509/495
P 301 Report Map
Reed, J.C., 1958, Exploration of Naval Petroleum Reserve No. 4 and adjacent areas, northern Alaska, 1944-53; Part 1, History of the exploration: U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper 301, 192 p., 2 sheets, scale 1:1,000,000.
TEI 577 Report Map
Wedow, Helmuth, Jr., 1956, Summary of reconnaissance for radioactive deposits in Alaska, 1945-1954, and an appraisal of Alaskan uranium possibilities: U.S. Geological Survey Trace Elements Investigations 577, 141 p., 3 sheets, scale 1:200.
P 274-D Report Map
Imlay, R.W., 1955, Characteristic Jurassic mollusks from northern Alaska: U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper 274-D, p. 69-96, 1 sheet.
MR 194-16 Report
Saunders, R.H., 1954, Itinerary report on a field trip to the Koyukuk District, July 20 to 30, 1954: Alaska Territorial Department of Mines Miscellaneous Report 194-16, 7 p. https://doi.org/10.14509/986
MI 30-1 Report
Saunders, R.H., 1954, Report of an investigation for radioactive minerals near Wiseman: Alaska Territorial Department of Mines Mineral Investigation 30-1, 7 p. https://doi.org/10.14509/617
Livingstone, D.A., 1953
Livingstone, D.A., 1953, On the palaeolimnology of Arctic Alaska: New Haven, Connecticut, Yale University, Ph.D. dissertation, 96 p., illust.
C 195 Report
White, M.G., 1952, Radioactivity of selected rocks and placer concentrates from northeastern Alaska: U.S. Geological Survey Circular 195, 12 p.
PE 31-2 Report Map
Williams, J.A., 1952, A magnetometer survey of Denny's Gulch and Sawlog Creek in the Koyukuk - Chandalar Region, Alaska: Alaska Territorial Department of Mines Prospect Evaluation 31-2, 19 p., 18 sheets. https://doi.org/10.14509/1917
TEM 327 Report Outside Link
White, M.G., 1952, Radioactivity and mineralogy of placer concentrates from the Wiseman and Chandalar districts, upper Yukon Region, northeastern Alaska: U.S. Geological Survey Trace Elements Memorandum 327, 14 p.
MR 194-13 Report
Williams, J.A., 1950, Mining operations in the Innoko recording precinct, Fourth Division: Alaska Territorial Department of Mines Miscellaneous Report 194-13, 20 p. https://doi.org/10.14509/983
MR 195-1 Report
Glover, A.E., 1950, Placer gold fineness: Alaska Territorial Department of Mines Miscellaneous Report 195-1, 90 p. https://doi.org/10.14509/990
MR 195-30 Report
Anderson, Eskil, 1947, Information gathered mainly from verbal statements of prospectors, March 1946: Alaska Territorial Department of Mines Miscellaneous Report 195-30, 26 p. https://doi.org/10.14509/1021
PN 2 Report
Joesting, H.R., 1943, Strategic mineral occurrences in interior Alaska, supplement to pamphlet No. 1: Alaska Territorial Department of Mines Pamphlet 2, 31 p. https://doi.org/10.14509/2246
MR 194-11 Report
Joesting, H.R., 1942, Antimony and tungsten deposits in the Fairbanks and adjacent districts: Alaska Territorial Department of Mines Miscellaneous Report 194-11, 26 p. https://doi.org/10.14509/981
PN 1 Report
Joesting, H.R., 1942, Strategic mineral occurrences in interior Alaska: Alaska Territorial Department of Mines Pamphlet 1, 50 p. https://doi.org/10.14509/2245
MR 195-22 Report
Joesting, H.R., 1939, Geophysical data - miscellaneous: Alaska Territorial Department of Mines Miscellaneous Report 195-22, 138 p. https://doi.org/10.14509/1012
IR 30-1 Report
Reed, I.M., 1937, Itinerary of summer's field work for year 1937, Wild River district: Alaska Territorial Department of Mines Itinerary Report 30-1, 9 p. https://doi.org/10.14509/492
B 844-E Report Map
Marshall, Robert, 1934, Reconnaissance of the northern Koyukuk Valley, Alaska: U.S. Geological Survey Bulletin 844-E, p. 247-256, 1 sheet, scale 1:500,000.
B 815 Report Map
Smith, P.S., and Mertie, J.B., Jr., 1930, Geology and mineral resources of northwestern Alaska: U.S. Geological Survey Bulletin 815, 351 p., 4 sheets, scale 1:500,000.
MR 195-13 Report
Reed, I.M., 1930, The future of the placer mining industry in Seward Peninsula and the interior of Alaska: Alaska Territorial Department of Mines Miscellaneous Report 195-13, 16 p. https://doi.org/10.14509/1003
MR 31-3 Report
Reed, I.M., 1929, Report on mining conditions in the Chandalar District: Alaska Territorial Department of Mines Miscellaneous Report 31-3, 5 p. https://doi.org/10.14509/753
MR 31-2 Report
Reed, I.M., 1927, Report on some of the quartz prospects of the Chandalar District: Alaska Territorial Department of Mines Miscellaneous Report 31-2, 4 p. https://doi.org/10.14509/752
MR 195-11 Report
Wimmler, N.L., 1926, Placer mining in Alaska in 1926: Alaska Territorial Department of Mines Miscellaneous Report 195-11, 129 p. https://doi.org/10.14509/1000
B 783 Report
Smith, P.S., Mertie, J.B., Jr., and Foran, W.T., 1925, Summary of recent surveys in northern Alaska, in U.S. Geological Survey, Mineral resources of Alaska, report on progress of investigations in 1924: U.S. Geological Survey Bulletin 783, p. 151-166, scale 1:2,000,000.
MR 195-8 Report
Wimmler, N.L., 1925, Placer mining in Alaska in 1925: Alaska Territorial Department of Mines Miscellaneous Report 195-8, 115 p. https://doi.org/10.14509/997
MR 31-1 Report
Thompson, G.L., 1925, Report on the property of the Chandalar Gold Company: Alaska Territorial Department of Mines Miscellaneous Report 31-1, 18 p. https://doi.org/10.14509/751
MR 195-10 Report
Wimmler, N.L., 1925, Placer mining in Alaska in 1924 and 1925: Alaska Territorial Department of Mines Miscellaneous Report 195-10, 229 p. https://doi.org/10.14509/999
MR 195-7 Report
Wimmler, N.L., 1924, Placer mining in Alaska in 1924: Alaska Territorial Department of Mines Miscellaneous Report 195-7, 112 p. https://doi.org/10.14509/996
MR 195-6 Report
Wimmler, N.L., 1922, Placer mining in Alaska in 1922: Alaska Territorial Department of Mines Miscellaneous Report 195-6, 77 p. https://doi.org/10.14509/995
B 532 Report Map
Maddren, A.G., 1913, The Koyukuk-Chandalar region, Alaska: U.S. Geological Survey Bulletin 532, 119 p., 2 sheets, scale 1:500,000.
B 536 Report Map
Smith, P.S., 1913, The Noatak-Kobuk region, Alaska: U.S. Geological Survey Bulletin 536, 160 p., 2 sheets, scale 1:500,000.
B 442 Report Map
U.S. Geological Survey, 1910, Mineral resources of Alaska, report on progress of investigations in 1909: U.S. Geological Survey Bulletin 442, 426 p., 1 sheet.
P 20 Report Map
Schrader, F.C., 1904, A reconnaissance in northern Alaska across the Rocky Mountains, along Koyukuk, John, Anaktuvuk, and Colville rivers and the Arctic Coast to Cape Lisburne, in 1901: U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper 20, 139 p., 2 sheets, scale 1:1,250,000.
P 10 Report Map
Mendenhall, W.C., 1902, Reconnaissance from Fort Hamlin to Kotzebue Sound, Alaska, by way of Dall, Kanuti, Allen, and Kowak rivers: U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper 10, 68 p., 2 sheets.
AR 21-II Report
Schrader, F.C., 1900, Preliminary report on a reconnaissance along the Chandlar and Koyukuk Rivers, Alaska, in 1899, in Walcott, C.D., Twenty-first annual report of the director of the United States Geological Survey, 1899-1900: Part II - General geology, economic geology, Alaska: U.S. Geological Survey Annual Report 21-II, p. 393-440.

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